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"You what? Who the father!". Aaron said yelling at April.

"Aaron dont do that! You cant fucking do that! Excuse my language mom, dad but Aaron you not treating her fair. You aint scream at me like that so dont do it to her. She already feels bad enough". April started to get up from the table but I made her sit back down.

"Honey why you aint come and talk to us? This why you been so angry?". My mom asked her.

"I was scared of what yall was going to do. Thought you guys were going to kick me out or something".

"Who is it?". My dad asked her. She aint say anything.

"Daddy its Branden. Now before you say anything I went and got her tested today, she's good. And he doesnt know so tomorrow im going to take her to his house and talk with him and his mom. I got this".

"Well im coming with you". Aaron said and Alex said he was coming too. I just sighed because I knew how they were and even if I told them no they were still coming anyway.

"Daddy are you mad?". April asked him and he just got up from the table and walked into the backyard.

"Honey give him some time. Im not mad at you and neither are your brothers and sisters. We seen what your sister went through and your 18 honey we dont want to see you hurt thats all. We just wanna make sure that your going to be ok and so is that baby. Now Alana is right yall cant jump down her throat yall gotta show her the way, this is her sister and yall gone love her and treat her the same way yall do Alana. Dont start that foolishness, support her and stand by her side every step of the way. Yall hear me?". Everyone responded yes and we continued eating.

After dinner my dad was still outside and I wanted to see what was on his mind.

"Hey daddy". He was looking out at the town across the lake smoking.

"Hey baby girl".

"You know your wrong for walking out right?".

He smoked and sighed. "Yeah I know. My little girl is pregnant and I swear I thought I kept close eye on her".

"Just like how you thought you kept a close eye on me?".

"But you were different Lana". I cut my eyes at him.

"How was I different? I went to parties, ive had boyfriends, I got pregnant at 16 dad 16. I had no job and even after I had Kayden I still went out and had you and mom take care of him. I just made good grades and finished school so dont tell me I was different. If anything she is the different one. She's mad all the time and dont talk to yall I get that this is hard for her. You walking out being all upset is making it worse. Like I told them you cant do her like that cause yall aint jump on my case yall was fully supportive so do the same with her. And thats all I gotta say". I walked back into the house and went up to my room and dropped myself on the bed. Goodness today has got me worn out.

"Mom can I sleep in the room with Josh?". Kayden said to me getting in my the bed. I told him he could and he gave me a kiss and told me goodnight. I got in the covers and prayed that tomorrow was going to be a better day.

"When we get in there im doing all the talking so both of yall shut the hell up". I said to Aaron and Alex. We pulled into the driveway of Brandens house and I had to lay down all the rules to these two fools. I know if I didnt they would cut up in a heartbeat and make the whole situation worse. I looked at April and I knew she didnt wanna do this but as her sister and because I loved her so much I was doing this for her own good. We got out the car and made out way to the porch, I knocked on the door and a lady answered.

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