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Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.
- Robert Tew

Me and Kayden was super excited for Jay game today, Kayden was ever more excited about the tour Jay told him about. This boy been in my ear all yesterday and all this morning talking bout he was gone catch the ball like how they do on tv. It just made me laugh. Which made him even more happy was that he was off punishment so this was just icing on the cake when I told him we were going. I showed the people our tickets and let me say this, this stadium is beautiful. Im not much of a baseball fan but they really did it here, I give them that. We was in the clubhouse box and didnt know if we had to go up levels or what so I just followed the people directing us. When we finally got through to find our seats, this place was full as fuck. I looked at the tickets looking for our row and we were literally on the lower level in front so we saw everything, and believe me I know Kayden loved that.

"When its gone start?".

"In a few minutes, gotta be paitent". As we waited for the game to start I took pictures with Kayden putting them on instagram. This has to be the first time I actually been to a baseball game which may be crazy to some people but i'll be the judge as this goes.

The game was starting and the Marlins were out while the other team was hitting which has us both excited cause hopefully we got to see Jay.

"Mom look there's Jay!". We spotted him, told me he was number 9 and I remembered that he was second base. We started cheering him on and somehow he turned his head toward us, smiled and tipped his hat with his glove. It was no doubt he aint see us cause were literally in front if him in the first row. I was just smiling I did not know how to act at all. While the game was going it was getting interesting, to me it was cool how they could catch this ball the way that they do. It also gave me a closer in sight on what im preparing Kayden for.

"Whoaaaa mom you seen that? Thats gone be me one day".

"It better be, all this money im spending on you? But you gone be right out there believe me. Pay close attention so you can learn something".

"Yeup and you can sit right here and watch me". I just cant get enough of this boy jesus! He just knows how to make me feel proud of him. When he said that to me, I was extra determined to support him and be by his side, to be his biggest fan, just do everything I need to do so that he can become what he wants and thats standing out there right where them players are. Doing what they love and yes I will be sitting right here in this very spot watching him and cheering for him. Whats so funny is that I really dont know whats going on and im looking at Kayden talking baseball like what the hell is you saying? Ion know but all I know is running to bases and getting people out. I heard someone yell steal third like what? Shaking my head I dont wanna know cause my head started hurting. Im not gone lie though the game was good, everybody was hype, I was hype. Good vibes in here I actually liked it, maybe because Jay was playing. He was doing good though, getting people out, he made a few run ins, had the whole crowd rooting for him.

The game was over, yes god. They didnt have to play the 9th inning cause they was ahead which I was happy for. I just wanted to see him and let him know how proud me and Kayden are of him. We sat by the concession stand waiting for him to come but a man came to us and took us where he was, I guess cause of the fans and stuff which I was cool with. Jay stood outside the locker room with a towel around his neck, under armor, slides, shorts, just all comfortable and yummy.

"Jay! You were awsome! You hit the ball so far and you caught the ball like ... ". Kayden started demonstrating and it was hilarious.

"Great game Mr. Riley I mean you probably have plenty of those".

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