Back to School

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I deleted the last chapter. You might want to go back to see how it ended.


Today is the first day of school. The fun summer is over and it's back to the dreaded days of waking up early and having large amounts of pointless homework every night.

No one wanted to go. Everyone woke up and got ready grumpy.

The whole group met outside in the courtyard before school.

"Good morning" said Bad. He seemed to be the only happy one there.

Everyone else mumbled a good morning back in response.

They all took their schedules out and looked them over to see what classes they have with who.

They all had the same lunch and at at least one other person was in each of the classes.

George and Clay had math, computers, and gym together.

After the bell they all split off to go their classes.

After what seemed like eternity it was much time and they all met up and sat at a much table together.

"Hey guys. I heard there was going to be a party tonight. You guys wanna go?" Asked Alex.

Everyone was kinda reluctant but agreed.

"Sweet! Ok I'll figure out the address and send it in the group chat. I think the part starts at like...9:00." Says Alex.

After lunch they all went to their classes again.

Clay and George had gym as their last class of the day.

They met in the locker room and got lockers next to each other a little away from everyone else.

Clay started undressing and George stood there.

Clay noticed. "Hey are you ok?" He asked.

"I don't really like changing in front of people." Says George.

"Hey that's ok. Here.." Clay finished getting dressed as he pulled his shirt over his head and leaned down to grab a towel. "I'll hold this up while you get dressed."

"Oh. Thank you." George's faced became red. Clay smirked as he spread out the towel. George turned and grabbed his clothes.

George set them on the bench and took of his shirt.

Clay took the towel and wrapped it around George, hugging him. He then lifted him up and spun him.

"Clay! Stop!" George said while giggling.

Clay was laughing as well. He stopped and put George back down and smirked at him.

"Your so stupid" says George looking and smiling at him.

They looked at each other for a few moments before they heard the bell meaning they should be out in the gym by now.

"Oh shit!" George turned around and changed his pants. Clay hadn't put the towel back up and was watching him.

When George turned around after he was done he caught Clay staring and both their faces turned red.

Clay grabbed George's hand and they ran out into the gym.

After school everyone met in the courtyard again for a while before they started leaving.

Clay noticed George wasn't waking towards the parking lot.

"George! Where are you going?" He said grabbing his arm.

George turned around and looked at him. "I took the town bus here" he said.

"I can drive you if you want?" Clay said.

"Oh no, you don't have to" said George.

"Well I want to. Come on" Clay grabbed George's hand and started walking to his car, pulling George behind him.

They got in the car and when they started driving George put his hand close to Clays hand. Clay smirked and interlocked his fingers with George's.

George's face turned a bright red and he turned to look out the window making Clay chuckle.

They held hands the whole way to the house.

"Thanks for the ride" said George as he unbuckled.

"It was nothing. Want me to pick you up for the party?" Asked Clay.

"Oh sure. Thank you" said George.

George opened the door and climbed out of the car.

"I'll see you later Georgie" said Clay, winking a George.

George's face turned red. "Bye Clay." He said quietly.

He shut the door and walked up to the front door he opened it and turned back to wave at Clay, he waved back.

After George was inside, Clay drove away to get ready for the part at his house.


Total words: 692

Short chapter oh well

I don't know why so many people like this book. I absolutely hate it but oh well ig.

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