
597 24 25

⚠️ underage drinking, smoking/drugs

Play song when I tell you to.

If you see I updated this I just changed the song


George had clothes all over his floor. What was he supposed to wear to a party? He's never been to a party before.

Clay was gonna be there to pick him up in about 15 minutes. He needed to hurry.

He decided to wear an old graphic tee with a white long sleeve with a collar underneath. He wore black ripped jeans and white shoes with it.

He looked in a mirror and ran his hands through his hair. He didn't have time to fix it so he just left it ruffled and messy.

He picked up his phone and saw Clay had said he was there.

He put his phone in his pocket and climbed out his window.

He had to sneak out or his parents would probably kill him.

He went to Clays car and got in the passenger seat.

"You look hot" says Clay.

George almost choked on his own spit. He was not expecting that. He felt his face heat up but tried to hide it. "Not to bad yourself."

He glances over at Clay who smirks at him before putting his arm on the back of George's seat so he can back out of the driveway.

"" "" ""

When they arrive at the house they could here music blaring from outside. There were some people outside drinking and smoking.

As they walked inside George looked at all they people. Most of them seemed like college students.

George wasn't one to go to party's very much so he started to freak out a bit as he saw all the drunk people dancing and making out.

He felt a tug on his hand. He looked and saw Clay holding his hand. He motioned his head towards the kitchen before walking with George in that direction.

They were met with Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, and Wilbur talking around the island with beers in their hands.

"There's the lovers. Nice of you to join us" Nick says, smirking and taking a sip of his drink.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Clay says grabbing two beers from the cooler.

"You know we could have just not come at all" George says shrugging and taking at seat at the island.

Dream sits next to him and hands him one of the beers.

"Ya ya. Whatever. Let's have some fun!" Says Alex as he gets up and makes his way to the dance floor.

"Wooo!" Chanted Karl as he, Nick, and Wilbur followed Quackity.

Dream and George were left in the kitchen. They drank a few beers while talking. They we're definitely drunk at this point. Not blackout drunk but still drunk.

Eventually one song came on. "Oh my god I love this song!" George says setting down his empty drink. "Come dance with me!" He says grabbing Dreams hands and pulling him to the dance area.

(Play the song at the top- Talking body by Tove Lo)

Dream smiled at George as he started dancing.

Bed, stay in bed
The feeling of your skin locked in my head
Smoke, smoke me broke
I don't care, I'm down for what you want

Dreamer ~ DreamNotFound Where stories live. Discover now