Chapter 27

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*Maddies POV*

As i walk upstairs hear Charlotte call my name

"Maddie!?" She yells in a accent I cant quite put together

"Hey what's up?" I ask as she runs toward me

"So you and Trevor hey?" She says with a smirk

"Haha I guess we have a thing..."

"A thing!?! You two are adorable!!"

"We'll how did you and Ricky meet??"

"We'll It was about a week or two after I moved to America"

"Wait from where?"


"Um yeah and I went to the Starbucks down the road and Ricky was there so I sat down at one of the tables and he came over and he was like 'Hey there why is a pretty lady alone on a beautiful day like this?' and then i said to him that i just moved here from Australia and i thought why not look around the place then he volentered to show me around and about three or four weeks later he asked me out on a date then bing bang boom it lead us to where we are now! So how did you and Trevor meet obviously through your brother!" She says smiling

"Mmm Nope Starbucks haha i was with Sam and Jc." I say laughing

"Wow does every couple meet at Starbucks?" She says

"Sounds that way!" I say laughing i put my phone on charge and then Charlotte tells me more about her turns out she has an older brother and 2 older sisters and a younger sister AND a nephew she also has 6 HORSES!! 6! thats crazy!

"MADDIE!!! HELP!!!" Oh shit...

"Looks like your needed down stairs!"

"Yeah... probably a cooking disaster! Or they have burnt down the kitchen." See the boys were cooking the dinner and there is only two ways it can go... Terrible or Ok... I slide down the stair railing and jog into the kitchen and find Kian and Trevor standing there with worried looks on their faces...

"What happened..." I sigh

"Well Trevor was cutting the strawberries for the pavlova and he cut his finger pretty deep..." Kian says as Trevor looks down to his hand I sigh and motion Trevor to follow me into the bathroom upstairs. he sits on the bench next to the sink just like a little kid.

"How bad is it Doc?" He asks making me laugh

"Not to bad you wont need stiches princess!" I say and he looks at me with a sad face

"Im not a princess!"

"You can be! Now shut up and let me clean it up AND STOP MOVING!" I say laughing

"Well it hurts!"

Once I finished cleaning up his finger I put a Dora bandaid on it.

"Well I'm all out if lollipops so I think i might have to pay you back."

"A kiss will do" he says winking so I give him a small peck

"Happy now?" I ask putting the first aid kit away

"Do I get another one since I was your favourite patient?"

"Mmm nah ya horny little boy! Now go finish cutting the strawberries!" I say winking

I walk into my bedroom and Trevor was right behind and he grabs my hand making me turn around and he plants a kiss in my lips and holding onto my waist and I wrap my hands around his neck.

"Hey Maddie? Woah I'm gonna go!" Sam says walking into my room freezing then waking straight out once he left Trevor and I started laughing

"Come on let's go down stairs." He says still holding my waist

"Ill meet you down there I just gotta check twitter" I say and he kisses my cheek and giving a wink before he walked out. I look over to my laptop and open it up and find a note inside...

Hey beautiful meet me at the park at say about 8:30? xxx

Well then it's a date...

I give up on checking twitter and just shut my laptop and go downstairs just to help make the pavlova since Kian doesn't know how to make it... I walk in to find Jc is here.

"JC!!" I yell running towards him and giving him a massive hug

"Skit! I missed you!" He says squeezing me

"I missed you too!!!" I say then he puts me down letting me go

"Hey Maddie can I have a hand Kian is useless when it comes to making food..." Trevor says

"HEY! I'm not that bad..." Kian says frowning

"Your not that good either." Sam says and I give him a high five because well... It's true

"Kian get out ill do it!" I say pushing him out of the kitchen

"Well if you need anything we will all be out in the back" Ricky says

"Ok so what needs to be done?" Trevor asks

"Fruit is done so is everything else but the meringue!" I say

One we finished making the pavlova without any food fights we go out and join everyone out the back

"Hey Trevor Maddie wanna join truth or dare?" Sam asks

"You guys are like 5 yr olds it's adorable!" I say laughing

"WELL THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO!!!" Kian yells and then there is a knocking at the door


"FINE!!" He yells then walks to the front door

"You to are so alike it's hilarious!" Jc says laughing

"Say it again Caylen and I may stab you with a spoon"

"Why a spoon?" Ricky asks

"It's the only thing I could think of ok?"

"Haha what ever!" Jc says laughing

"Wait! I have a plan on what we can do!" I say then run upstairs and grab my guitar then head back down.

"I don't care how crappy we all sound we are having a jam sesh!" I say sitting next to Trevor on the beach chair he is on.

Yeah we have beach chairs by the pool so what! It looks cool.

I Give my guitar a quick tune then start playing

"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you!" I start

"By now you should've some how realised what you gotta do." Jc continues

"I don't believe that any body feels they way I do about you now!" Trevor sings

"Because maybeeeeee your gonna be the one that saves meeeeeee!" Ricky sings pointing to Charlotte. Those two are adorable! OTP right there

"And after alllllll." Sam starts

"YOUR MY WONDERWALLLLL!!" We all song including Kian and a brown haired boy that walks in that must be Connor! After that we all start laughing and I continue playing random tunes that pop into my head.

Hey guys whats up so today is my 15th birthday!!!! WOOOOO lets eat some cookies and fangirl for hours! Anyway i thought since i am extreamly nice that i should post up a chapter today! So yeah hope you guys enjoyed! Throw me a follow on twitter aye? @HowlettMaddie

Anyway bye now!

Ever since you came. (Trevor Moran Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora