Chapter 51

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"Nah not yet just wondering How do I get Shadow to shut up! She keeps barking nonstop at me when I'm trying to eat all you cak- I mean..." He says and I laugh

"It's fine Sean and stop eating my cake!" I say

"I cant help it it's delicious!" He says with an evil laugh

"Does she just bark when your over?" I ask

"Yeah do you know why?"

"Yeah she's lonely, She used to do it when she was a Pup. You Reckon you can handle her at your place?"

"Course! I'M A BOSS! After all."

"I'll let you dream Seany"

"Oh lord dont call me that! How is it there?"

"Fuckin hot and awkward..."

"Why is it awkward"

"I kinda forgot my brother is bestfriends with my ex..." I whisper into the phone knowing that he is just ahead of me

"Oh fuck does Jack have to come and save you?"

"Oh yes because my prince is so tough! Nah everything's fine... Just found out I have to sing a cover with him for work anyway..."

"Am so! And I thought you were on holidays..."

"So did I... But Elli texted me today letting me know"

"Well how long are you there for? I'M RUNNING OUT OF CAKE AND COOKIES!" He says yelling the last part

"Two weeks, Maybe longer depending on the whole cover thing, but I'll be home before you know it with cake and cookies" I say and I can already tell he's smiling behind the phone.

"You are a saint!"

"I know, Anyway I'd better go."

"NOOOOOO! Eh... Fine! Bye American sister"

"BYE IRISH BROTHER!" I yell hanging up and Kian looks at me with a weird look

"Who was that?" He asks

"Sean, one of my friends In Ireland." I say and he nods

"Better not be a boyfriend." He winks and I punch his arm

"No, he's my Irish brother." I say and he frowns

"But your my favorite American brother"

"I SEE WHERE I STAND!" Sam says pretending to be hurt and we all laugh.

*Trevors POV*

"Ay Trev... Stop checking out Maddie" Dom says and JJ laughs

"Really Dom?" I ask and he nods and Sam just smiles at me

"Come on man you couldnt stop checking her out a the beach" Sam says moving to my Left and ruffling my hair

"I was not!" I try to admit but it as true, Maddie has gotten a lot hotter in the last few years

"I wouldn't blame ya man, she did look pretty hot in her bikini..." Dom says and I punch his arm

"Whats up man? Little Trevvy Jealous?" Sam says and I walk ahead of them flipping them off

"Hey Trev... You alright?" Ava asks I didn't notice I had caught up to her

"Yeah fine just those three are hassling me" I say running my hand through my hair

"You do like her don't you?" She says and I just want to hit myself in the face for making it obvious

"Yeah so what?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders

"Nothing, Why dont you ask her out."

"I have to go out with her tomorrow night for a song our managers want us to do so maybe then..." I say and we get to McDonalds so we all take a booth and then go and order their food and soon enough as we wait for our food Jc and Ricky turn up and they order their food.

"183!" The man calls and I grab my food then head over to the booth we chose then sat down soon everyone else comes over and we dont talk we just eat our food and then we all decide to walk back to Kian and Jc's.

Charlotte, Ricky and Dom went home and Connor when home while we were at the beach

It's just Me and Maddie in the living room watching random Tv shows because everyone else is outside doing... Something

"Any idea on what you want to do this cover of...?" Maddie asks looking at me with sleepy eyes

"No idea you?" I ask

"That's why I asked you" She says and then our phones go off at the same time

"Plot twist, We have decided what song you guys are going to sing instead. You two are going to sing Like I'm Gonna Loose You by Meghan Trainor ft John Legend You two can sort out the rest tomorrow at dinner, Heres the address" We read at the same time.

"Well then there goes that question." I say

"Yeah..." She says

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6 then?" I ask

"Sure, You make it sound like a date." She says

"It just might be." I say winking and she pounces herself onto me kissing me passionately, taking off my shirt and me not knowing what to do.

I shake my head and Maddie is in the same place as she was. sitting on the far end of the couch.

What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened...?

"Oh really? Sorry..." I say completely confused on what in the world just happened.

"It's fine" She says awkwardly.

Someone shoot me oh my god I messed up...

"Anyway I'd better head home and see if Sam needs a lift home..." I say

"Alright well drive safe." She says hugging me and then I say bye to everyone then head home dropping of Sam on the way.

I get to my apartment unlocking the door and walking in closing the door behind me. then I walk into the kitchen and lean on the bench that leads into the living room and I switch on the TV with Adventure time playing.

I immediately turn it off and try to function what had just happened but nothing comes to mind other then I had a daydream.

"Eh I'm so confused" I sigh running my hand through my hair

"About what hun?" I hear a voice ask and find Maddie sitting on the couch but by the looks of things she is pregnant...

"What the?" I say and she stands up and walks towards me grabbing my hand and placing it on her stomach. I feel a small thump

"They told me it's a girl today." She says and I flinch moving my hand back.

I look behind me and then back to where Maddie is standing but she wasn't there everything was in the same place and there was no pregnant Maddie in sight.

What the fuck...

So I just Realised i forgot to post two chapters yesterday Sorry, so here You guys go :) -Maddie

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