Chapter 49...!!

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I sit there beside Maddie as she falls asleep and within seconds she does.

I kiss her forehead then get up and walk to the door. I turn around and see her laying there peacefully I walk back because I notice she doesn't have any form of warmth so I fight the urge to stay with her and just put the cover over her.

"I Still love you Racoon..." I say and walk downstairs only to find everyone drunk and dancing or making out...

*Maddie's POV*

I wake up and my head is thumping hooray for hangovers...

I climb out of bed only to find I'm still in the same clothes from yesterday so I change into some sweats and my ugg boots then head downstairs to find a sick looking Jc

"How ya feeling?" I ask and he doesn't answer he just moans

"Agreed..." I say and grab the fruit loops out of the cupboard. and putting some in the bowl with no milk and I just sit in the living room next to Jc and we pick at the dry rainbow in the bowl.

Dom wakes up as he is asleep on the other couch and he looks up at me and Jc then he flops back into the pillow and I cant help but laugh.


Everyone that stayed the night is awake and other had taken an Uber home a couple hours ago.

Where as me? I'm making banana pancakes for all these hungover bitches... Even though I cant talk...

"HEY KIAN! WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE SYRUP!?" I yell and flipping over the last 3 pancakes

"IN THE FRIDGE! OF COURSE!" He yells back and I go over to the fridge and just as he said there was maple syrup right in front of my face... HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT BEFORE!?! I face palm myself and get the small bottle and put it on the kitchen bar with all the other stuff they wanted to put on the pancakes.

I put the last lot of pancake on the plate and call for everyone one and they run over grabbing plates and filling their plates full of Pancakes and strange topping combinations.

They only get up to Kian and there are only a few left so I start to make more because knowing them they will want more. And I need some to ya know?

I save two for me and I notice Trevor is still asleep somewhere so I make some extras.

Eventually I finish Making all of the pancakes and I put three on a plate for Trevor and go to find him.

I look upstairs and find him in one of the spare rooms awake and on his phone with headphones in, I dont get to catch what hes listening to because he pulled out the headphones and put his phone upside down beside him.

"Morning... I managed to save you some food before everyone ate it all." I say handing him the plate

"Thanks, How are you feeling?" He asks sitting up to reveal him with no shirt on...

God Fucking Damn It...!

"Hungover as hell... You?" I asks and he nods

"Hungover... But not as bad." He says patting beside him on the mattress motioning for me to sit beside him

"Want to swap?" I ask sitting beside him and he puts his arm around me as he eats has pancakes

"Not really..." He says laughing. I cant help but blush to the fact of him having his arm around me... It reminds me of when we were watching Wreck It Ralph at the drive in movie just before I fell asleep

"Meanie..." I say and he looks at me with a suprised look

"Are you sure your 21? You still say Meanie!" He asks

"Why do people ask me that! Course I am. ME A BIG KID!" I say and he laughs

"Shut up! You better head downstairs. People might be worried where you are." He says and I look at him confused

"So a big kid cant look after themselves?" I ask and he shakes his head

"Everyone knows how easily you get lost Rac- Maddie." He says about to say something but then says nothing. I get up and head out the door

"Fine then. Poo head" I say and poke me tongue out at him then walk out to find Ava standing at the top of the stairs stopping me from getting down with a smirk on her face

"So... What where you doing in there?" She says still smirking and with her arms crossed.

"Seriously...?" I ask knowing what shes thinking

"Yes... Seriously" She says smirking more then before, I try to get past her but she pushes me back not allowing me to get passed.

"Nothing... I just handing him Pancakes and we were talking... Thats it" I say in defeat

"Thats not all that happened... Come on what else."

"THAT IT! We were just talking about him not believing me that I'm 21! And why dont people believe that anyway?" I ask trying not to laugh

"Probably because you dont act it..." She says and I punch her arm and she moves away from the steps laughing

"You like him don't you?" She asks and I stop dead in my tracks and walk back up to where shes standing

"YOU DO!" She semi yells

"SH hut the fuck up man! He could here you!" I say looking around

"What are you guys yelling about?" I see Trevor asks

"Mad-" Ava goes to say but I wrap my hand around her mouth

"Oh nothing! Gotta go! BYE!" I say smiling, still with my hand over her mouth and pulling her into my room ignoring the fact of her licking my hand

"Weird" I hear Trevor laugh and then I turn around and death stare Ava and I let go of her and she just smiles.

"I could kill you right now Ava Marie!" I say

"Subtle Maddie, Real subtle..." She says laughing

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