Chapter 37

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Kian ended up making me and Tash a bowl of cereal and then once Tash finished she got real sleepy so Jc put her up in his bed.

"I fell sorry for her..." Kian says

"The poor girl she would be terrified." I say

"How long do you think he would have been doing it for?" Jc asks

"Must be a while now..." Kian says

"How did she deal with it... When no one was there... To comfort her when it happened." I think aloud

"She's tough that's for sure." Jc says Then all i hear is mumbling and my eyes start to close

*JC'S POV* (Something new Ay? Haha)

Before Maddie and Tash got here Kian came running into my room saying something happened to Tash and that They were on their way.

I Just got back from putting Tash in my bed because she got real sleepy. Then We started talking about it.

For a girl that is only 5 years old she is the toughest.

A few moments into talking and Maddie falls asleep against Kian

"I'll set up the couches man the girls need a better sleep then we do." I say and Kian carries Maddie up to his room.

I grab a few spare pillows and blankets and just collapse onto one of the couches then Kian comes down and does the same almost instantly falling asleep.

It's the next morning and I wake up to Kian and Tash cuddled up on the couch watching sponge bob.

"What time are we gonna get stuff ready for the beach?" Kian asks

"About 12?" I ask

"It's 11:20 Jc..." Maddie says coming from downstairs

"Well then make it 12:30..." I say walking into the kitchen spotting Ricky making food

"Got it sorted go get ready!" He says

"Al rightly then." I say going to the bathroom.

*Maddie's POV*

I flop onto the couch and Kian and Tash are cuddled up and its freaky adorable.

Ricky hands me a plate of pancakes and one to Kian and Tash too.

"Thanks Ricky!" I say and Tash Repeats me.

"No problem." He says sitting down next to me.

"Maddie once your done you might wanna get ready we are gonna grab our spot at the beach then go shopping for food and stuff." Kian says

"Ok sure." I say stuffing a pancake into my mouth.

Once I had finished I put my plate in the sink then I run upstairs to get ready.

I pull out the clothes that I packed and throw them on and do my makeup nothing special just the usual once I was done i go back down stairs and everyone is out the back so I walk out and I get attacked by Wishbone and Shadow with Kian holding Hazel back.

"Hey there Wishbone!" I say patting him then Shadow jumps up so I crouch down and Shadow starts licking my face.

"Shadow stop! It tickles!" I say and she barks then hopes back down then runs off with Wishbone

Tash is playing in the pool with Ricky, Jc is trying to get a tan and Kian is messing around with Hazel

"Tash Come on we need to get you dry! We have to go out!" I say then Ricky picks her up and Takes her inside.

"You ready to go?" Kian asks putting Hazel on the lead

"Yeah are we taking the dogs?" I ask

"Why not It would be fun!" He says then Jc comes up carrying Wishbone

"Least you can carry your dog!" I say pointing to Jc

"Well i don't have a big dog!" He says walking off with sass leaving me and Kian standing there laughing.

"Lets go Squiz." Kian says

"Squiz?" I look at him confused

"Yeah I know it doesn't work lets stick with Skit." he says walking off with Hazel pulling him along.

"Good idea. Come on Shadow" I say and Shadow happily bounces beside me without her lead. I'll put it on when we get out in public.

We all jump into a car Well we had to take two so Jc went with Ricky and I went with Kian and Tash with The dogs witting in the back with Tash.

First stop was to buy food and I knew we are going to have our hands full so I send in Re-Reinforcements From the group chat.

Yo Need your help we need more hands then the amount we have now! -Maddie

On My way with Kaleb -Ari

I'll Meet you there - Ava

Do you even know where? - Maddie

Sweetie you get your food from the same store every time! -Ava

Sam and Connor and I are on our way! -Trevor

"A few more hands are coming!" I say

"Awesome we are going to need them!" Ricky says filling the shopping cart with marshmallow's Chocolate and biscuits for s'mores

"Ricky I think that's enough!" Jc says putting some bags of chips in there while Kian puts in some meat we can cook.

"You can never have enough!" He yells raising his hands

"Well when you get 5 Bags of marshmallows 6 blocks of chocolate and 8 lots of biscuits i definitely think that's enough!" Kian says

"Let the boy dream!" I say putting in a big bag of lollies.

"Maddie can we get some of the yogurt sachet things?" Tash asks holding a box of them in her hand

"Throw it in Tash" I say and she shops up on the ledge thing on the shopping cart and dumping it in then she hangs onto it and Ricky pushes it to the drinks aisle.

Jc throws in some soft drink and I put in a bunch of water bottles then We all pay for it.

Then I see Trevor, Sam, Connor, Arianna, Kaleb and Ava come it and grab the bags and load then into all the cars

Kian pops out of no where holding a case of drinks and he puts it in his car

"Everyone ready?" Kian yells

"Charlotte's already at the spot we have at the beach." Ricky says

We all get into cars and head out to the beach.

Hey Guys whats up so nothing much has happened over the last couple of days other then I am sick so I have today off school which is pretty cool!!

But I have a question for you guys...

I have been best friends with someone for ages now she had become part of the family and I think I'm starting to 'Grow out' of being in a friend ship like is that possible?

Can you grow out of a friend Ship?

Anyway I guess its time for me to go

Till next time guys!

Ever since you came. (Trevor Moran Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora