Chapter 7

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Third Person P.O.V.
The week went by quickly for the students as well as the Team of Misfits known as Team GRAY. This was a day the Team was looking forward to for all different reasons. For George it was a good change of pace a time to act like a kid, Ace it was a change of scenery from class rooms to a forest, Yen was quite time for reading while doing the task, and for Rainear it give him a time to follow those coordinates. The four have a good bond but, there's some things that just don't quite meld together. George's past melded sloppily like his time with criminals the Menagerie even the fact he has no scars. Ace just quiet and doesn't talk too much about anything besides interest and school, Rainer hiding his own past even when brought up and keeping his own interests and goals to himself. The only normal one was Yen but even then she was just a quiet book worm ironically they mirrored their partner Team almost perfectly, George has the mysterious personality of that akin to Blake, Ace level headed mostly but there's just somethings that make him think with his sword just like Yang, Yen though quiet constantly reprimands the Team for their actions in class lack of studying similar to the Ice Queen Weiss herself...even Jaune hitting on her after he's been rejected by Weiss, then there's the big lovable himbo named Rainear who gets worse than Ruby sometimes thinking of how to improve weapons both his and his team's. But that's how this goes a groups of people stuck together that are different to work as a team.

They walk through the forest to get sap they were told to not go too far from everyone but George and his team decide to get away from everyone to enjoy the peace and experience and sliver of tranquility. Once they got to there spot to set up George walks away for a brief moment to take care of the call of nature as his team start doing the assignment.

George's POV

I was walking through to get away so they don't see me doing my business and respect Yen, the only female on our team...that can flip Rainear with a thought. Perks of a semblance that messes with the air around you or your opponent, then we got Ace with electricity, and then Rainear with the ability to control water...hope no one with hydrophobia face him. (Foreshadowing Mayhaps) Yet here I am with just the ability to make velocity happen. I sigh a bit as I get to a spot far enough, "Honestly...I wish my past wasn't so muddled...even for me I only know what I know due to someone telling me what it is." I take care of my business as I hear a chime and look around seeing a whispy person, "Hey what are you doing out here." The person looks at me and points to me and seems to beckon me towards them. Like the dumb person I am, I walk towards them. They have light blonde hair and a pair of ice blue eyes a soft face with flawless skin as I get closer she become more like a whisp, almost as if she's a ghost. As I get closer she puts a hand up stopping me as I hear her softly speak, "Remember who you are." A wave of force hits me as I go to block it and launched into a tree and subsequently covered in sap, "Oowwww" I groan I stand grabbing my head as it starts to throb and pound, "Who was that...what was that?" Just as I ask that three beowolves come out of the trees and surround me and I go to draw my weapon and spin it to get it into gun mode they just sit down right there.

I was in shock they just sat down like good obedient dogs. They look at me as I walk forward to one and it just sniffed me before taking a step forward causing me to take a step back but it step forward further than when I step back as it...nuged my hand like it was trying to get pets. I let it do that and I began to get surrounded by them as I scratched them all and it was nice at first. Soon nipped me. It was shallow, at least i thought, but it was more than that because of its sharp teeth and draws blood in massive ammounts. This action caused me to pull away as i walk backwards. Then another scratched me taking hitting my scared arm and make a deep cut. I was then pounced on from the back. I couldn't move at all I struggled and struggled as it's giant maw opened and as it came down time slowed and all that came through my head was this was it. As it came down everything was flooding my head everything made nonsense everything was confusing...almost fabricated. I closed my eyes letting out what I could of a scream. If I was dying here here helpless Unable to get my hands to my weapons so be it but at least I will be avenged quickly.

Soon the shadow of the maw was over my head but soon it became light as I hear the sound of gunshot and the sudden lessen of weight on me and a yell of someone. I open my eyes seeing a yellow patch of hair hitting the Beowolf on top of me and instantly I drew my weapons and shot the other beowolves with slugs in there face causing them to fade immediately as I saw Yang hittle the last one to oblivion saying, "NO. ONE. HURTS. KITTY." She punctuated each word with a punch which caused me to blush slightly and it soon faded away.

As it turned to dust she turn to me, "You ok there bud." I just nod a bit not realizing the blood coming out of my arm and hand which she thankfully did, "Yes you're ok with a slash and beowolf bite on your arm." I proceeded to look and notice it, "Only a fleshwould I'll be fine." She looks at it again and sighs, "You wear a shirt under that hoodie right?" She asks getting slightly upset, "Ya incase it gets too hot don't want everyone looking at me confused." As we talk she gets closer as I hear footprints come at us. It was then the adrenaline stopped and I noticed everything the pain as I did my head got lighter and lighter and pain started to come up from my right leg which causes me to collapse as black envelops my sight and I fall...hard.

Yang's P.O.V.

I grabbed the kitty cat known as George as he collapsed as I see Glynda his team and my team coming up. I had explained everything as they take him and Glynda starts to help fix his issues. As that was happening I felt a rumbling as three Ursai come at all of us.

I slam my fists together and rush them. With a yell I slam my hand deep into one's mouth and unload a shell into its mouth killing it. Another came at me from behind and George's teammate Ace I think slams his knee into the Ursa giving it a shocking experience. As Ace and I stare down the two left I took my stance and Ace took out his blade one of pure obsidian black with traces of blue in it, "Nice Katana." I say as I rush the last one and deliver a 6 shot combo and quickly switch out with Ace as he does his work on the Ursa; slicing it all over its body an even through armor. Which left one left and as soon as we looked at it the thing rushed us as we landed causing us to dash back and we thought we moved faster than sound as there was a crack heard by both us only to look towards the smoke that came between us almost perfect and saw George using a belt as a turnaquet in Glynda's arms keeping steady aim at the Ursa who didn't realize it had a hole going through its shell before swiping and becoming dust on impact and falling as George dropped his gun exhausted before saying, "Hospital please." Which kicked all of us into overdrive. Glynda was carrying him as we all ran to get him to the hospital

3rd Person P.O.V.

Soon they were all at the hospital in the waiting room as they stabilized George. Glynda was pacing worried, Yen was half reading a book, Rainears leg was bouncing, Ace was meditating, Yang was constantly moving, Blake was following Yen but flipping a page back and fourth, Ruby was dashing around heading to the Cafateria getting all the sweets, and even Wiess the Ice Queen was looking at gifts for him as Glynda had said earlier that while she was filling out paperwork she didn't know his birthday and just put the day it was as his birthday.
After what was only a couple of hours but what felt like an eternity the doctor came in asking for Icey friends and family which got everyone to bolt over all asking, "How is he!?!?!" The doc instantly froze not used to this, "H-he is fine just some stitches though he might not be able to leave for a bit the stitches were extensive and he lost a lot of blood, he's asleep right now but you can go in and see him." They all took off to the room as they entered they saw the sleeping George as he was hooked up to every machine possible. They all gathered around him but notably Glynda and Yang took up position by his head and both started rubbing his head and ears causing them to flick a bit and him to groan, "This is some case and to some people be a dream." A small chuckle comes from everyone as he starts to rise before everyone tells him to lay down as Yang lifts the back rest so he can sit up, "Easy there kitty you don't need to push yourself." She says causing him to blush, "Th-thanks Y-yang." George looks down looking has his bandaged arm when Glynda clears her throat to get his attention, "What you did was incredibly idiotic and down right asinine Mr. Icey...but you did good and pushed through when hurt like a true huntsman I used to know...your dad would be proud." George smiles a tiny bit before looking back down, "Th-thanks mom." There's a brief moment of silence ad it hits George what he said, "I MEAN GLYNDA I MEAN MS. GLYNDA I-I-I MEAN MS. GOODWITCH!!!" He wraps his arms around his face hiding his embarrassment as his friends laugh and Yang smirks and leans into his ear and whispers, "You know I can be your mommy." Soon all of George's body becomes tomato red as he become limp passing out as Ruby asks. "What did you tell him." Which causes Yang to giggle a bit and shrugs, "I might tell you later when your older."

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