Chapter 5

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Goodwitch's P.O.V.

I was running the adoption files on George again as I sat by the tub watching color return to him, "I'm missing something there's no way." I mumbled to myself then Ozpin came in with...a really thick file, "You won't find anything in there other than conflicting evidence here from James had to go through a lot of trouble no data base has it." He handed it to me and I immediately dove in, "Experiment....6205-6230.5" I read aloud, "What is this?" I asked as I looked up at Oz, "His entire life story from insemination to right before he ran off, his life from before to now the past 15 years, skip to chapter 15 that's where his life began," he starts walking away, "Mind you he only knows about his life from meeting the Cave in to now." I jumped to the chapter prior which was the labor of the poor woman who was treated as nothing more than a cow for breeding, "Terrible just awful," I mumbled to myself as I read ahead, "First step was to see how resilient Specimen Icey is luckily the nano bots made it to get to age 5 much faster and now we can begin testing after the removal, which thankfully he won't feel a thing." I kept mumbling some of the passages, "Icey at age six survived an unsurvivable cave that killed 1,000 people, human and Faunus alike, as soon as he saw he was alone he ran." I skimmed over him surviving in the Atlas tundra to get to Mistral, "Upon getting to mistral he was hit by a truck though the truck didn't budge beyond the POI (Point of Impact) the boy was thrown several feet and his aura seemed to have a minor defect of natural things as the ground hit him snapping his arm but it gave light to one of the abilities of his brothers that didn't make it super healing having only scars be where the road rash and break happened where he was taken to an orphanage and soon taken by the Nikos family after the request of their daughter for a brother." I mumbled, "But why does his transcript state Roman and Cinder." I asked aloud and then skimmed over the next five year of his somewhat happy life minor teasing of kids and being told to toughen up but only one stood by him that being Pyrrah and then he ran away at age ten to Vale soon after the Amber incident, "Specimen Icey of as we soon call him from the Nikos, George, mad his way to Vale lying cheating and stealing which is just what we needed a survivor and strenuous life for the mutation to happen he needs two more to prove which brother he is, that would soon come when he met a girl about the same age as him with pink and brown hair who was shorter than him working with Torchwick and their confrontation would happen when the girl grabbed an ice cream cone from him which made his second to last ability known as to catch up to her he unlocked his main semblence Velocity allowing him to catch up to her at great speeds and force but before he could catch her he ran into Torchwick who took him in and then was recruited by Cinder, George always was happy around them thinking Cinder and Roman as of a mother and father respectively then the other two Mercury and Emerald as brother and sister but Icey always acted strange around Neo, he'd grown les confident scared timid.....They didn't understand he had a crush on her I mean that's ridiculous." I said aloud, "Ya well atlas scientist don't quite get human emotions to well." I jumped and looked at the now awake teen next to me, "Must've been out for awhile to have read my entire file." I closed it looking at the source file next to me, "How accurate is this file?" I asked him all he did was shift a bit getting comfy, "Accurate to a T til after those five that you're reading now it'll say that I got tortured to death by Cinder and Roman and that I was a failure, they had my left eye replaced while I was young with a camera that would function as an eye but relay everything to the scientist once I learned that I had Cinder yank it out of my head cotorizing my wounds as she went and then my brothers ability remade the eye entirely I was fine and then I told them I wanted to help people and they got upset and I told them I want to help people but I won't directly stop them unless they hurt me or my team I even said that if anything happens to any of them that I would switch back...." he looks at me, "Guess you wanna lock me up now." I shook my head, "No you want to help your family so I can't want to but know if you do..." he cut me off, "I'll only protect Em, Merc, Cinder, Roman, and N-Neo," he blushed a bit, "I don't care for their conquest or anything I just want a family I know I can trust in, and so far they're all I got." He looked up at me tears falling, "That's all I would ever and will ever do." He said to me emotions running through his head, "What's your last ability the one I haven't read?" I asked him, he looks at his hands, "There's two actually my last brother's and mine," he looked up, "Ice creation," he makes the tube start making ice butterflies and fish and all sorts of animals, "And aura absorption, it allows me to take the aura and semblence of someone that died near me, there way of having the ultimate weapon to hold all four one person. They were going to do that to keep the power of the maidens in the firm grasp of the atlas military but that plan didn't work especially since I learned to control it and the fact that's the only semblence I have full control over besides that is velocity. Anything else has to be stressed induced by a life or death situation usually." He said as if explaining it for the 100th time and all true to his file but I can tell the story will change because some parts even he was shaky on if it really happened or not, "Well that is quite the story you know if your parents and any other siblings are alive?" He looks over at me, "If they are they owe 16 birthday presents and 36 Christmas gifts." He chuckles a bit letting some of his emotions show as a couple of tears fall and an idea pops into my head, "I know I'm not a best at this but...would you like a home cooked meal." He looks at me confused, "Is it gonna nutrient packed to taste bland or is it more like those take out meal?" He asks me with some fear as I shake my head, "No it's gonna be good from the store that I cook at home." His eyes seem to lighten up a bit, "I've never had home cooked food that wasn't made for a race horse or from some restaurant." I chuckle a bit, "Maybe I'll be your mom for a bit." He looked up at me, "That'll be really nice could you maybe?" He looks down as his ears wiggle slightly and I just scratch at them a bit and he smiles, "Thank you Miss..." as he about says my name I cut him off, "In private it's Glynda ok." He smile and nod and his head pushes into my hand, "Thank you Glynda." We both smile as I start to take my leave, "Thank you George for your story we'll talk soon and I'll be by with enough food for you and your team tonight." He smiles as I leave and I hear him get out of the tub, 'Crap I only know how to cook for myself and that only one meal shit shit shit shit well this as good as time as any.' I walk off to go home and look up some recipes of food on my scroll.


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