Chapter 3

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George's P.O.V.

Once we were out of the forest, it was the team announcement ceremony, "George Icey, Rainear Rousse, Ace Blanco, and Yen Haiiro. You four will make up Team GRAY lead by George Icey. I may hope one day, you all serve in our biggest time of need." We all look at each other, confused as we walk out and head to our dorm, "A plain room, huh...better than what im used to." I mutter out loud, and the rest of the team quickly went to make their own sides leaving me to take the side of the window when I just put a hook up to hang my hoodie and googles then they see the scar on my shoulder "SDC" my team looks at it as I sit there in my tank top and jeans taking off my armor laying on the nightstand next to me, "If you want to ask go ahead." Rainear speaks to us, "When did you get that scar?" I took a big sigh as I rub it and tell them the story, and Yin speaks up, "So you must hate Weiss then." I shook my head, "Nope; I don't hate her well, not yet at least," I look outside, "To hate someone for their name though I have a right to is not in my nature one must be weighed Measured, and Found Wanting for me to have a say in whether or not I hate them." They seem to have gone silent until Ace asks, "What do you mean by that saying George?" A small smile appears on my face, "Its something my dad said when I got in trouble, and it took me till I was in the dust mines to understand, Weighed means that your crimes have found out, measured means that your punishment has been decided and found wanting means that you have the motive. Weiss Schnee has no Crimes against me, and nothing is wrong between me and her Her last name though I hate and the Schnee name as though but not Weiss." I laid down, "Now get some rest; we have school tomorrow." I closed my eyes as darkness consumed my subconscious.

Ace's P.O.V.

"How does he not hate any Schnee." Rainear blurts out, "I mean, they took everything from him." I held his shoulder, "Like he said, the Schnee name he hates, but that's due to what the Schnee company did to him and his mother," I took a deep sigh as I thought out loud, "The Icey family had 3 kids though he didn't mention his father or his siblings being in that camp." Yin then spoke up, "Meaning we can still reunite them if we can find them alive...or at least bring him closure if we find their graves." Rinear had butted in as well, "But that's like finding a needle in a haystack. They easily could've changed their names to run away." I took the conversation, "Still a shot to make George happy again and make George feel good to have a family still." We all look at him as he sleeps, all of us holding a somber expression on our faces. Soon we all head to bed; after getting all our stuff ready for tomorrow's adventures.

~The Next Morning~

As dawn breaks, light hits my eyes, forcing me to wake up. As I sit on my bed, I see that George is already coming out of the bathroom; drying off his head with a towel around his waist, "Morning team now get up we have and hour til class and we have a female so hurry ups get dressed." Yin stirred then looked at him only in a towel and muttered to herself something that only me and George picked up on but I couldn't understand the language but George seemed to and as he heard his face went to a deep red but that was soon over with as Rainear came back in sweaty, "The gym here is phenomenal." He seems to have a smile in his face as he heads to the bathroom...which leave me, a towel covered Faunus, and a possible hormonal kudere all in the same room. I guess this is life now.

Rainear's P.O.V.
Just walking in and seeing Yen with the bright red face seeing George I just had to make it uncomfortable for them. I chuckled to myself as I look into the mirror and I think about George's back, long scars across his back years old but grew with him as he aged...whipped to work everyday, 'Why didn't you just fight back one day it would've been so easy to.' I think to myself as my own memories flood my head, 'Maybe it wasn't that easy.' My scroll goes off and I see it's from an informant of mine all it has is set of coordinates, 'This can't be good.'

Yin's P.O.V.

Rainear that fucking jock bastard...George and I are beet red right now and all I can do is stare at our leader I don't even like guys yet his body is such a piece of candy no not candy a full eye meal the toned muscles with the scars just complete it as either the perfect bad boy or misunderstood comic relief. If anything were to happen he'd be the only guy I'd ever sleep with but after awhile of staring I turn over, "George get into the uniform now please." I just hear him shuffling and when I hear him get his belt on I look over seeing his back, 'oh my goodness so many scars.' I think to myself as i watch him get his shirt on seeing the scars seemingly make his back look more ripped than ever. Oh god Ace is smirking at me have I been staring or mumbling this entire time. He speaks up, "Yen you're starring again." I blush even redder than before I can feeling, "O-oh s-sorry." George speaks up as he gets his under shirt on, "No it's fine I know they're ugly but it happens." I just look at the wall as I hear the door open to the bathroom and as soon as Rainear leaves it I bolt in.

George's P.O.V.

I get the white shirt on and walk out of the room with my tie untied and my jacket over my shoulder. What sucks is I don't know how to tie a tie right so I inevitably just tie a loose knot around my neck that is until I'm stopped as I'm putting on my jacket by a teacher, "Young man it's a tie not a shoe lace do it properly." I look down to this day I hate admitting I can't do something, "S-sorry professor." I don't hear any steps away and I sigh in relief as I untie it, "I'm waiting Mr. Ivey surely your dad taught you." I gain a saddened look remembering him, "N-n-no he d-didn't professor." She scoffs, "Just like most Faunus parents dirty animals." I flinch at the statement, "Maybe if your dad was more of a father than a thief." There's a loud smack which makes me jump and I see Professor Goodwitch next to me, "Professor Spruce you know better these students all deserve equal rights even if they are a Faunus." The professor I now know as Professor Spruce just scoffed again, "Wait til Ozpin." The voice of who was going to be mentioned speaks, "I was here for the whole altercation so you may want to fix yourself there Pyro." The Professor leaves as Ozpin looks at me, "I'm terribly sorry Mr. Icey I will ensure that Professor will be dealt with." I just nod as he walks off, "Mr.Icey I look up at Professor Goodwitch, "Let me help you with that." She grabs the tie and starts to tie it for me, "I'm surprised your father was extremely respected and he never showed you how to tie a simple tie." I was just watching, "Guess you are still just a kid at heart." I'm sure I'm the only one to see her smile in a long time, "If you need any help I'll be a scroll call away." She walks off as I leave

Goodwitch's P.O.V.

I was walking off as I suddenly stop and look at the file in my hand with the students name on it, "it's not right to look at someone's file you know." I froze seeing Ozpin, "I know I just needed answers how did he get in." He smiles, "Well read his transcript." I begin to do so and look shocked, "But he's an Icey." Oz only nods, "We need legal guardians or parents," he nods again, "Why would you approve this you know who that is." He just takes a sip of coffee as I stare at the names written Cinder Fall and Roman Torchwick. "I know that when they did sign it they didn't know he was serious and they want him back more than anything."

End Of Chapter


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