The Talker

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Continuously talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. If you run out of topics just start saying random things. I know somebody who can't shut up for the life of him, my God it's annoying.

x Megan & Bobbi :()

"Special" Note~

So how are you guys? I'm fine. But bored. So, on Saturday I'm going to a mall in Illinois with my friend and if anybody cares enough to guess it then I will dedicated this update to you! I don't have school tomorrow so maybe I will update my other books. I dunno though. I like to write a lot though... So maybe I will. Today is my best friends birthday. She's awesome and extremely nice and cool. We've been though thick and thin. My parents think I should start hunting but when ever I think of that I think of accidentally shooting my dog and watching the life drain from his eyes. I like animals more than people so I wouldn't even be able to shoot a wild animal because I would be thinking too much about how I was taking their lives away from them. D: I bet some of you stopped reading because you thought it was annoying... But that was the point. Some of you probably guessed this. Good job for you guys!

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