Story Time.

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So, I am constantly yelled at for doing this by my mother, even though she does it too. It's when you take forever and a day to say just one little thing. I hope you guys enjoy being annoying to everybody with this.
And if you don't understand it from that, you pick a story, whether it is actually cool or its lame.
So this morning I decided that i wanted to make myself some breakfast before school started instead of skipping it, even though I never do that and I always make my own breakfast. Anyway, I was thinking about making waffles but then I realized I didn't really have enough time, and then I was going to make pancakes but I realized I didn't have enough time for that but then I looked outside and I saw the sun rising and I forgot all about my breakfast for a couple of minutes and once I finally remembered it I decided that I would just have some yogurt with strawberries in it but when I looked in the fridge for strawberries I remembered that I had finished them the day before. So I got pretty annoyed and finally decided to check the freezer to see if we had any breakfast foods in there. It took some digging, but I found waffles. Can you believe it? I actually managed to get my waffles. Funny how that works out sometimes huh?

Yeah, I don't even want to reread that so there could be a load of mistakes in that on accident.
Bye lovelies,

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