The Big Baby Boom

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This is more like a prank to pull on somebody.
If you have a boyfriend or you could even pull this on your friends or dad.
Act... A bit off for a while maybe a month or something.
Once this month is over ( it shouldn't be less than a month probably because if it is then they might figure you out easier) get them to sit down with you and then just break the news. Maybe even squirt some eye drops in your eyes so that your eyes either water or you have actual tears down your face when you tell them.
Be sniffling and wiping your eyes while you break the news before you full on break out in sobs. It might even help if you had a friend or something who actually was preggers to do one of those tests and then give it to you ( kinda nasty yes) but there might be prank ones that you could get online or you could buy a box of pregnancy tests and continuously do the test until you get a faulty one that says your pregnant even when you aren't.
Have fun!
Megan & Bobbi :()

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