Chapter 1

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Psykos was never one to live by mantras, it was beneath her to follow the same advice the less intelligent masses clinged to. There was one one in particular that she found quite abhorrent, that if one wanted a job done properly that they'd best do it themselves.

Such logic didn't quite make full sense to her and even seemed to be the antithesis of her own actions so far for the past years. For a task that she'd given herself as large in scope as the total destruction and replacement of humanity, no one individual, not even herself, could ever hope to accomplish such a large undertaking utterly alone.

That was why she started building up her own monster army through a few different proxy organizations, none of them were significant besides her largest one being the Monster Association. The point here was she wasn't working alone but delegating some of the work to subordinates.

Of course running an organization comprised entirely of monsters could be rather troublesome at times. But she was not going into this situation unprepared.

With her own projects and research on Mysterious Beings she'd managed to create a couple psychic controlled 'meat puppets' that would be able to work as the military advisor for the Monster Association while also fulfilling some of her other goals autonomously for the most part without her supervision and presence.

This would be made easier by them possessing a personality nearly identically imprinted from her own. So alongside letting the puppets work on some of her projects she could just as easily tap into that psychic link to control and speak through them to others as if she was there, and command the Monster Association through it if she wanted.

That left her the ability to work freely behind the scenes with an extraordinarily lighter workload, allowing her more time to carefully plan the destruction of humanity. It really was a thankless task, but nevertheless Psykos dutifully worked on it. Continuously preparing for a war against the Hero Association.

Though sometimes Psykos found she had a little too much free time on her hands. Sure she could continue working on her various projects but there was only so much one could do before being forced to wait for results on experiments, or get burned out engaging in repetitive work. The end result was that Psykos felt herself grow rather bored of what she did most of the time, despite how important to her all of it was.

She considered the ways she could alleviate her boredom so she could easier work. A hobby on the side? It was something to consider for sure, but really there wasn't anything Psykos could think of in the way activities that could provide proper mental stimulation for someone as intellectually driven as her. Perhaps another form of stimulation then, maybe something more physical?

She contemplated it for a moment. Ever since the vision she had in high school Psykos had decided to completely reject mankind's way of life. The degenerate filth that was humanity had proven themselves nothing better than the waste they produced, after what she saw had become of them. So the thought of intermingling with the ones she sought to destroy was something that repulsed her a bit.

Yet still being human herself Psykos was not completely able to ignore the base instincts and hormones inside her that still existed. At times she considered making herself a Mysterious Being, but she pushed that idea aside. Rejecting her humanity sounded enticing for someone like her but she felt it would be too risky to her many plans should the process go wrong.

Participating in that sort of transformation would change her physical appearance, impulse control, intelligence, and ego, potentially warping them to an unrecognizable point potentially rendering her greatest asset useless, her human intelligence and planning.

Psykos felt herself teetering on the edge of her humanity for a while now. Having spent so long away from her own kind behavior she completely neglected to take care of her human physical needs.

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