Chapter 2

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Psykos woke up with her mind a stupor and her body sore, particularly her lower abdomen. Sitting up she let put a yawn and stretch. What was going on again? Why was she in a futon? Soon enough the memory of what just happened came back to her, and that lust filled encounter with her being fucked into unconsciousness.

"Oh you're awake now." The man she came to know as Saitama took her attention. He seemed to be in the kitchen, occupied with something obscured from sight. Psykos studied his plain and bored expression, she narrowed her eyes in concentration.

Did i really do that...? That... extremely plain looking bald man?

"Are you alright? You're not gonna get weird on me again are you?" He said, before looking away.

Psykos sighed. "I'm good now, thank you for the... experience. I apologize if I came off a bit forceful."

She was not sorry however.

"It's fine. Honestly I thought it was nice... you were pretty good."

"Of course I was." Psykos stated. "... how long have I been out?" She asked.

"Only an hour. I just made some ramen now actually, you want some?"

"... Sure, allow me to use the restroom for a moment first."

Psykos stood up but felt her legs shake and then herself immediately stumble, being forced to catch and prop herself up with the wall.

"Hey, do you need help there?" Saitama asked with concern.

"I... I got it."

Slowly she walked and kept herself balanced by leaning on the walls. As Psykos reached the toilet she immediately dropped down onto her knees and retched into it.

This was just a mistake. Just what the hell was I thinking?! Was the thought of sex with some guy giving me an orgasm clouding my judgement? Ugh, he wasn't too bad though... he was a lot stronger then I anticipated. Is it because of the physical differences between men or woman or was he just strong naturally? He lives in City Z after all, maybe he could put up a half decent fight if pushed to it... that would be interesting to see...

Psykos winced, feeling soreness down in her crotch spike up for a second.

Uhh, now I feel weak all over from him fucking me. God that felt so good, but... just thinking about associating with a lowly man in such an intimate manner makes me feel sick inside. Such degenerate and repulsive creatures humans are. W-why did I do this, this disgusting act of depravity! Am I no better because I'm a human myself!? Damn it!

Psykos whole body shivered, as she felt the rise of bile force itself out her throat again. She gagged at the acidic taste, and then heaved the rest of the contents of her stomach out into the toilet.

Urgh, god damn it this is so humiliating! That Saitama... I won't forgive him for this! For making me show human weakness! I think my libido's been satisfied now, I should get rid of him now and just forget all this ever happened. I've wasted enough time here as is, I need to check back on Orochi and the Monster Associations recruitment progress so far.

Psykos eventually collected her bearings enough to stand, using some of her powers to assist her legs and body to stand. After flushing the toilet she went to the sink and took off her glasses, before splashing water over her face, and then rinsing her mouth out.

Should I kill him myself? No that would be too simple and too good for him and his lowly existence, I don't need to soil my hands on a low level being like that. Some other way to make him pay for my humiliation would be better. Maybe I'll go invite him to the base and feed him to Orochi, or some other monster. That would be a fitting end for him at least. Perhaps I could see how strong he is, if he is at all...

Odd Couple (Saitama x Psykos)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora