Chapter 4

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Psykos sighed, then she sat up on the couch on her knees and peered over the back of it to assess the damage Saitama had caused. There was some broken glass scattered on the ground and the fizzing white and green liquid from it spreading on the carpet, staining and completely disintegrating all fabric that it touched but stopping after the carpet at the base of the floor below the carpet.

Thankfully she had the foresight to reinforce the floors with a hybrid steel material when she was having her bunker constructed. Her little abode and underground home is in part a small fortress meant to withstand most significant physical trauma, in case any of her somewhat larger or underground based subordinates acted a bit wild or destroyed the former subterranean kingdom, now referred to as the Monster Association.

Although highly acidic stomach acid being being spilled by other people hadn't fully been accounted for when designing the room, she never actually expected to have guests over. So naturally the expensive carpet would be a tad damaged- utterly tarnished. It was quite unfortunate, but material things were honestly easily replaceable due to the funds she had access to. Saitama was not replaceable however, as of now...

A particularly volatile acid sample from the cadre Gums that I was experimenting with... If Saitama is this clumsy, or isn't entirely aware of his own strength and spacial awareness, maybe I should baby-proof my lab. Or maybe not keep my important work nearby while I attempt to recruit and seduce him. Ugh, Orochi never needed this much intimate and close supervision... maybe at first yes, but eventually Gyoro Gyoro was able to take reigns.

"Sorry about that." Saitama apologized. "Hey do you still want me to get the bottle?" He reached out for another glass container, Psykos immediately saw that it was the wrong color and reacted.

Time seemed to go in slow motion, and Psykos quickly stopped the other vials from being knocked over by Saitama's miraculously accident-prone movements with her psychic powers.
Saitama paused at hearing Psykos yelling.
"Stay put and stay off to the side!" Psykos exclaimed. "D-don't touch anything else! Let me handle this."

I don't need you wrecking anything else! I'm supposed to be your lover! Not your goddamn babysitter!

Psykos outstretched a hand and using her powers she carefully moved the acid up off the ground, then picked up an empty glass container with another hand and put the acidic liquid inside it with her other hand using psychokinesis. After moving the other vials to a safe location she breathed out a sigh of relief.

"We'll head off to the back dining room where the food is soon. It's in the door to your far right, at the end of the hall. In the fridge should be some meat I've stockpiled. There shouldn't be anything dangerous or breakable in that room, I'll accompany you there in a moment. Give me a moment here please."

"Sounds good!" Saitama gave a thumbs up before walking off.

Psykos psychically reeled in the small vial of healing liquid that Saitama was supposed to have grabbed. She put to her mouth an downed it in one go.

Mhmm, a bit tangy.

Psykos hopped off the couch and adjusted her glasses, now energized. She took a deep breathe and collected herself.

Deep breathes... Saitama is... difficult, but probably-maybe worth the effort for the reward. Some things as valuable as sheer power aren't so easily obtained and understood. But just to be on the safe side for now, I should ask Saitama how he managed to get so strong. In case I could find a way to replicate it somehow.

Psykos followed and caught up to Saitama to where she pointed him. He got distracted again by a particularly nice fur carpet of hers and he seemed to be brushing his hand against it.

Odd Couple (Saitama x Psykos)Where stories live. Discover now