Chapter 3

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Gyoro Gyoro hovered around the partially destroyed mining cave in observation of the aftermath of the battle between Saitama and the recently deceased Lord Orochi. He looker over the scattered chunks of the Monster King across the area to see if any of it could still be salvaged to restore him to life.

Bits and pieces of the monster kings flesh squirmed from Gyoro Gyoro's psychic touch, alive but without a mind. To his disappointment Orochi's heart had not survived the encounter with Saitama and thus his consciousness was dead. Perhaps something resembling a bastardized version of him could be reanimated from the flesh, but it definitely wouldn't be the same being nor as powerful as the original was. A form of ego death. How disappointing...

Well... I suppose that's that. I'll have to notify the cadres of this development then. Then after that I'll have to decide on a new Monster King...

Gyoro Gyoro sighed. The process of getting an easy controllable leader of the Monster Association in order would be a bit of a hassle, since he had put so much effort into cultivating Orochi. And considering a few of the cadres more ambitious personalities it was more then likely they'd want to take the mantle of leader themselves once they found out their 'King' had been done in.

It was a bit if a troublesome situation since he was uncertain how much he'd be able to get them in line and following orders without his primary enforcer. Not to mention the blow to morale that it would do to his organization because Orochi had been defeated by a human.

Though regardless he knew that despite any of the intelligent cadres taking rulership they'd be forced to recognize Gyoro Gyoro as the glue that held together the entire organization's operations. Without proper structure and cooperation their organization would collapse and then none of them would have their kingdom to rule.

A new figurehead would take Orochi's place and comply with procedures, if only desiring the position for a boost to their own ego. Black Sperm, Führer Ugly, and Homeless Emperor seemed to be the primary candidates with their unique and immense individual power.

With the others either being not strong enough or mentally incapable of leadership, notably Gums, Rover and Evil Natural Water. Gyoro Gyoro felt Black Sperm edged out a slight advantage over all his peers in combat and leadership potential due to the utility of his powers, and with him being able to split himself nigh endlessly he most certainly understood the importance of good cooperation.

Psykos had an interesting thought suddenly, wondering if Saitama could fulfill such a role as the King as a means for the figurehead leadership to be controlled by herself, or by proxy due to her relationship with Saitama. It was... an idea to be considered. If she was to recruit Saitama to her side then she would have to experiment with multiple methods of getting him to understand and accept her plans for humanity by some various unorthodox means. Making him Monster King is one unique method.

I'd need to get him accustomed to intermingling with mysterious beings in a friendly manner first if that's even possible. Then with that in place I would need to get him to empathize with the plight of monsters, and view humans negatively in similar manner to myself.

Getting him accustomed to monsters violent and hedonistic behavior could be tricky, and so would changing his morals. As a self proclaimed hero his views on justice could always pose as an issue to those sorts of changes. But disregarding that, humans are inherently degenerate creatures that more often then not cave into their desires, so I should be able to chip away at his morality given enough time and analysis of his character.

Therein comes in my new role as Saitama's romantic interest. Or would girlfriend be a more apt description? Queen maybe? Either way through that human connection I'll get to know what negative or sinful aspects of his personality to focus and push on, or any other points of weakness. Lust could be one way to persuade him into doing some things... the other notable way being greed, if his significant cheapskate behavior is to be taken into account I might be able to bribe him fairly easy. Other then those two things I don't see him possessing many negative traits or vices to work on immediately, a unique but not an entirely impossible problem for me to face.

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