Sawk(Pokemon Black and White) pokemon 7

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Sawk is a generation 5 pokemon. It is not know for evolve into any form or any other pokemon and it doesn't have a pre-evoution.

Classification: The karate pokemon

Powers and Abilities: Superman Physical characteristics, martial arts, enhanced senses, statistics reduction, statistics amplification, power nullification and resistance negation(Mold breaker negates the abilities and effects that would reduce the damage taken, reflect status effects, grants resistance and prevent Sawk attack from causing damage), forcefield creation, damage boost, healing, dynamax, resistance to darkness manipulation, elemental manipulation and Sleep manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Mountain level+

Speed: Relativistic

Lifting Strength: Class 100

Striking Strength: At least Mountain level+

Durability: At least Mountain level+

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range

Standard equipment: Black belt

Intelligence: Sawk is a master of karate

Weakness: Fairy, flying and psychic type moves.

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