Ardos(Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness) Cipher Admin 1

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Ardos is one of the five Cipher Admins from pokemon XD:Gale of Darkness. Ardos is one of Grand Master Greevil's two bodyguards, and is revealed at the end of the game to also be one of Greevil's sons(the other bodyguard/son being his twin brother Eldes)

Classification: Pokemon Trainer, Mystery Man, Cipher Admin

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, martial arts, flight, shadow manipulation(shadow swellow), genius intelligence, mind manipulation, ice manipulation, fire manipulation, electricity manipulation, telepathy(Alakazam), telekinesis, water manipulation, draconic energy projection (Kingdra), martial arts, rock manipulation (Heracross), shadow manipulation(Electabuzz), shadow manipulation (Shadow Snorlax), plant manipulation, electricity manipulation, darkness manipulation (Sceptile), breath attack, fire manipulation, martial arts(Charizard), darkness manipulation, poison manipulation, energy manipulation, martial arts, confusion inducement (Gengar), rock manipulation, air manipulation, metal manipulation (Areodactyl), earth manipulation, metal manipulation(tauros), electricity manipulation, water manipulation (Starmie)

Attack Potency: Small Building level(As a trained bodyguard meant to protect Greevil, he should be comparable to Lt. Surge)|At least Mountain level+(Vastly stronger than before)

Speed: Peak Human with Relativistic+ reactions(Comparable to Trainers as Yellow or Cynthia who can dodge and react to attacks from fully evolved Pokemon)|Relativistic+(Faster than Gorigan and close to Eldes)|Relativistic+(Comparable to Eldes)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman to Class 100|Class 25 to Class 100

Striking Strength: Small Building Class+|At least Mountain Class+

Durability: Island Level(Comparable to Trainers like Ash Ketchum)

Stamina: High|Very high for his pokemon

Range: Standard melee range

Standard Equipment: Poke Balls with shadow swellow, Alakazam, Kingdra, Heracross, Electabuzz, Gengar, Snorlax with leftovers|Shadow Sceptile, Charizard, Areodactyl, tauros and Starmie

Intelligence: Gifted(As a Cipher Admin, he has high knowledge in Pokemon battles and uses pokemon with high speed and strong moves in order to quickly overpower his opponents)

Weakness: Normal human weakness|Varies depending on the pokemon.

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