Torterra(Pokemon)Pokemon 9

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Torterra is a Grass/Ground final form of a starter pokemon based on mythological World Turtles introduced in Gen lV. It is known as a moving forest when a bunch of them move at once. Small pokemon makes their nests on torterra backs. Torterra is also known to be the starter that evolves the earliest at level 32 from Grotle, and grotle evolves from Turtwig at level 18.

Classification: Starter Pokemon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, plant manipulation, life absorption, earth manipulation, darkness manipulation, statistics amplification, reduction, healing, status effect inducement, empathic manipulation(Via worry seed), limited forcefield creation, non-physical interaction, resistance to earth manipulation, immunity to electric manipulation and critical hits.

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level+

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+(Can dodged attacks from Magnemite and other electric pokemon)

Lifting Strength: Class 5|Class 50|Class 100(Can easily carry a family, or even families of small pokemon without noticing)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block Class+|Large Town Class|at least Mountain Class

Durability: Multi-City Block Level+|Large Town level|at least Mountain level

Stamina: High

Range: Extended melee range, tens of kilometers with most attacks

Standard Equipment:Choice band

Intelligence: Above basic instinctual normally. Above average in battle, as Pokemon are naturally hardwired for battle.

Weakness: Weak to flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice attacks

Notable Attacks and Techniques: Abilities

Overgrow: An ability almost exclusive to grass type starter Pokemon. Torterra grass moves are powered when Torterra is in a pinch.

Shell Armor: Torterra powerful tortoiseshell prevents it from being critically hit.


Earthquake; Torterra stomps the ground and creates an extremely powerful earthquake.

Wood Hammer: Torterra slams his wooden body into the opponent hard. This move does so much damage that Torterra takes half of it back itself.

Razor Leaf: Torterra fires a bunch of razor sharp leaves at the opponent. This move has a high critical hit ratio.

Mega Drain:  Torterra grabs its opponent with a strong vine, absorbing energy from its opponent.

Leech Seed: Torterra plants draining seeds on the opponent, taking a bit of the life of them every so often to restore its own.

Giga Drain: Torterra snatches its opponent with a massive amount of vines, sucking its energy and adding to its own.

Leaf Storm: Torterra launches a storm of powerful leaves at the opponent. At the cost of its amazing power, this move sharply cuts special attack.

Earth Power: Torterra slams the ground and cause the earth to erupt from under the opponent, having a small chance of lowering their resistance to special attacks.

Grassy Terrain: Torterra temporarily causes grass to overflow the local area, causing anyone touching the ground to slowly recover health, and increasing the potency of Grass-type attacks.

Sand Storm: Torterra traps its opponent in a fierce mini-sandstorm, dealing damage overtime as  they remain within.

Energy Ball: Torterra draws upon nature power and forms it into a ball of energy, before unleashing it at its opponent, possibly lowering their resistance to special attacks.

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