Suicune(Pokemon) Legendary 21

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Suicune is a water type legendary pokemon. Along with Raikou and Entei, it is one of the legendary beasts resurrected by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Of the three legendary beasts, suicune is said to represent the rains that quenched the flame of the burning brass tower.

Classification: Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Aurora Pokemon, Embodiment of the North Wind

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, purification(Type 1), ice manipulation, water manipulation, telepathy, immortality(type 1), statistics amplification, statistics reduction, weather manipulation, air manipulation, enhanced senses, healing, minor darkness manipulation, precognition, sound manipulation, telekinesis, attack reflection, possibly of freezing the opponent, resistance to metal manipulation, fire manipulation, ice manipulation, water manipulation and sleep manipulation, water walking

Attack Potency: At least Small Country level+(Equals to Raikou and Entei)

Speed: At least FTL, likely far higher

Lifting Strength: Class 100

Striking Strength: At least Small Country Class

Durability: At least Small Country Level+

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: High

Weakness: Suicune is weak to electric and grass type moves.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Water Absorb: Suicune is able to absorb oncoming water-based attacks to completely nullify them.

Sheer Cold: Suicune fires off a blast of cold that lowers the temperature to absolute zero, instantly defeating most pokemon in one hit. It does not affect ice-type pokemon.

Bite: Suicune sinks its fangs into its opponent, potentially causing them to flinch.

Bubble Beam: Suicune release a stream of bubbles from its mouth.

Aurora Beam: Suicune fires a rainbow-colored from its mouth that can lower the attack power on impact.

Mirror Coat: Suicune temporarily shroud itself in a cloak that reflects any ranged attacks directed at it.

Notable Victories:

Gwen Tennyson(Ben 10) Gwen Tennyson Profile(Alien Force/Ultimate Alien Gwen was used) 

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