Chapter 7

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Y'all! The last chapter was like chopped full of mistakes because I was doing some sporadic last minute editing, so I apologize. -Korgayyy

Camila's POV

"Ex-Con Duo Drowned in Lake Michigan"

"Sea World Financial Officer Arrested In Money Scam

"Local Substitute Teacher Fried In Backyard Pool"

Camila paced back and forth in her Florida International University sweatshirt, a loose top knot with her bangs out, glasses on, some knitted off-white leggings and her black banana socks. She looked at the newspaper articles that she'd pinned to the board in her home office.

This was more of an under-the-table investigation. Her department was too stupid to see that all 3 of these major cases were connected. But Camila was well aware and prepared to stop the person or people behind them.

All three cases had left no evidence. Not a footprint. Not a fingerprint. Not a hair. Not a trace.

Now either the general population was learning a thing or too from all these criminal activity based television shows, or the same person was behind these cases.

You'd have to be naive to fall for that first option and some people happened to be that naive, just not Camila.

And not to dog on anyone's intelligence but based on the intricacy of the plans Camila could easily tell that the subjects detained for those crimes couldn't have done it.

Two of three of the main suspects for each case were arrested with insufficient evidence to prove them guilty. And the one that was arrested with sufficient evidence, Candice, something about her made Cabello believe that there were patterns in each closed case that the detective couldn't deem insignificant the way that her local police department did. he couldn't have done it. She was over the top, yet very insecure. She'd even been Sofi's chemistry teacher the year before.

It didn't add up, Camila often followed her heart even with a job that had so many precedents. But now in Camila had a gut feeling that the detained didn't commit those crimes. And as iffy as it sounded... she believed that Candice been framed.

Just then her confirmation knocked on the door. Or so she thought.

She ran to the door and was slightly disappointed to see Harry through the peep hole. Her partners image was complete with a bright smile, a light grey UCLA sweatshirt, some skinny jeans, and bags of snacks in both hands.

"Hey, come on in", she forced a smile at him once the door was opened and walked back to her office.

Harry was comfortable with the place and followed behind her after he closed and locked the front door of the house.

"You seem so very happy to see me", he said sarcastically.

"It's not like that, and you know it", she cleared up as she sat down in her rather large, leather, black, office chair and pulled her legs up onto the seat.

"I know.", he spoke as he sat his bags down on the emptiest area of Camila's rather messy desk.

"He still hasn't called yet", Camila spoke in a worried tone as she chewed her bottom lip and stared curiously at the brown paper bags that had been set on the table.

"What if we were wrong and it wasn't them?", her voice was steady but unsure.

Harry shook his head as he pulled a bunch of bananas out of one of the bags and watched Camila's eyes light up. "Then we'll start from square one. You said yourself, 'giving up is not an option'. Just trust your gut. It usually leads us in the right direction."

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