Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys dont forget to vote for the chapters you enjoy so that we can know what you guys liked! Comments and feedback are dope too -Korgayyy

A/N: it's 2:30 am. I'm in the hospital. So why not update. -Sherr

I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a blue crop top and stuck my hair in a bun at the same to Normani knocked on the door, Lauren ran to the door throwing it open to see her sister smiling there. "Heyyyy," she hums happily and Lauren just pulls her in for a hug before inviting her in to sit down.

Mani waved hello to me from the door and I said "Hi" back, trying to hide my irritation with her being here. I walked to the bathroom to wash my hands but mostly to get away. It was hard to stay mad at her when she kept smiling at me like that.

I closed the door and frowned at my reflection. My cheeks were still slightly flushed but the tan tint of my skin did a spectacular job at camouflaging it. I washed my hands and took the time to have a mini temper tantrum, mumbling curses about Normani's crappy timing. I heard Lauren's hysterical laughing coming from the other room and took a deep breathe to calm myself down.

I should be happy and supportive of her. I know just how badly she wants me and her family to get along in the short times we get to see them. They were literally what she lived for and I know how torturous only being with them about two weeks in total for the whole year made her. I tried my absolute best to keep my girlfriend happy but nothing would ever compare to that light in her eye that she got when her sister and her laughed or when her dad covered her cheeks in kisses.

So I dried off my hands and joined the girls again because I knew how happy it would make her.

" I couldn't breathe! When dad farted all of us literally dispersed choking and gagging!"

"Remember how we pretended we were a squad of soldiers that had been ambushed by stink bomb?", Lauren added excitedly wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks while Normani held her stomach in pain but face still contorted in a laughter that she couldn't stop.

"Thanksgiving dinner became an impromptu life or death situation! Soldier? Soldier?!", Normani shook Lauren's body with fake all over her face as she struggled not to laugh.

Lauren was "playing dead" on the bed with her thumb and her index finger pinching her nose but you could see her stomach jerking up and down abruptly as she too was failing at resisting hysterical laughter.

"Soldier please! Answer me! State your condition!", Normani continued shaking Lauren and she bit her bottom to hold back the laugh that so desperately wanted to escape. It was actually really entertaining watching the two of them together I felt a smile tugging at my own lips as I watched them act out the moment from their childhood.

"Death...death by booty bomb", Lauren barely got out before her and her sister were roaring with laughter again. Lauren held onto her stomach with red cheeks as tears rushed out of her her eyes. She tried to sit up, but crippled laughter she failed miserably.

Normani on the other hand who wasn't as lucky to have a bed behind her lost all strength to stand as her legs gave out on her. She landed abruptly on her ass onto the golden brown carpet, which made all three of us cackle out loud obnoxiously. The brown skinned woman curled up into fetal position trying catch her breathe.

"Ouch my stomach", Lauren whined, still holding onto her mid-section with the biggest smile on her face.

"I can't breathe", Normani smiled as she rolled onto her back and closing her eyes.

I shook my head with a small smile on my face and took a seat on the king sized bed next to Lauren.

"Hey how long are you guys gonna be in town? Normani asked after a couple minutes of recuperating silence.

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