Chapter 3

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Back in our hotel room things were pretty quiet as we assessed the items we got from Warbuck's room.


One of his Cartier watches alone has gotta be worth at the least 3 grand and I managed to snatch one and a Rolex so I think the takeaway from this job was pretty successful. And the bank statement had all the information Lauren needed to access his bank account from her gadgets.


But we gave the work a rest. I didn't want to let it show, but it was pretty obvious that that asshole's hints of my sleeping with him for money did manage to get under my skin.


I was in the bathroom. I hadn't closed this door all the way  burn now I was just taking my hair out of the ponytail and letting it fall free. I quickly decided that I didn't want to let him get to me. He didn't know just how quickly I really could give him some fatal injuries. I sighed and without warning I felt two thin arms slip around my waist. I'd been so distracted that I hadn't even noticed her entering the bathroom.


I sighed in contentment and close my eyes, relaxing into my girlfriends steady frame. She wrapped her around me a little tighter and I reached up and covered her arms with my own, enjoying her radiating warmth against my back.


"I love you", she whispered because she was so close to my ear.


"I love you more", I responded honestly before I spun around and wrapped my arms around her neck."Girl you were amazing back there! I don't think I ever seen you that angry", I gasped. She laughed, her gorgeous eyes almost disappearing as the beautiful smile overtook her face.


"Everything was going so great, then Lardbutt had to come back.", I huffed.


"'Well' babe, everything was going 'well'. ", she corrected me the  way she had a tendency of doing.


I rolled my eyes and gave her an unamused look,"Oi, I had to fall in love with the hot grammar Nazi."


"Sucks that you weren't as lucky as me," she frowned. "I got a sexy Polynesian spy with a KILLER body! And that smile? Oh my God!", I laughed as she threw her head back with a hand on her forehead as if she was a Victorian lady fainting.


"Whatever", I blushed, as my own way of saying thank you. "Oh man speaking of sexy! What you did back there wasn't fair at all", I frowned as I momentarily let go of my girlfriends neck to sit on the sink counter, making us the same height.


"What?", she gave me a confused look.


"The Spanish babe. You really don't know what that does to me do you?", I wrapped my arms around her small waist and encouraged her forward so that she was now standing in between my thighs.


"Those were never my intentions", she smirked as she moved in even closer, pushing my thighs further apart with her hips.


"I bet it wasn't", I grinned as I caressed her waist.


The Art of SurvivalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora