My Clone

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It was a long hard day of work and I was ready to go home and watch T.V. I packed up my work,turned out the light and headed to my car. I pulled my car into the garage. I passed the family room not even hearing the T.V. I go into my room and flop onto my bed. Just then I realized that the TV was on. I must have forgotten to turn it off but I swear I remembered I turned it off. I went to the TV room and saw the TV on,but I saw a person. "Hey who are you and how did you get in my house." The person stands up and walks to me. She's standing right in front of me. This-this person is-is me. She looked like Me to every last detail. I stumble back I was a little afraid. I ran out the door looking back every few seconds. I stop two blocks away huffing and puffing, out of breath. I hear footsteps running up behind me. I get my fist ready to punch my clone. I wait to hear the footsteps right behind me. I hear the footsteps right behind me, I get up and turn around and punch my clone in the nose. She fell back on someone's lawn, a few seconds later my nose felt like it was punched, and it started to bleed like my clone. I fell back just like she did except I fell on the sidewalk and went out. When I woke up, I woke up in a hospital bed with different gadgets hooked up to me. A nurse walks into the room and says to me " how are you doing, are you hungry you've been out for two days."
" where is the other girl, the one who looks just like me, where is she."
" darling we only found you." Was she in my mind, did she disappear. The only thing I want to know is where is my clone...

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