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Lunas pov
I got up and put on blue jeans, black vans, and a black t-shirt, and of course, a crescent moon hair clip and star hair pinds keeping some of my hair back. I saw a small string of blue energy between my pointer and middle finger as I went to put on some makeup
" breath "
I said calming myself
" let's do this "
When I walked into the school I could feel eyes on me and I knew it was stiles. I found my way to the library and sat down at the table on the upper level. I was looking at my homework when the sound of a backpack hitting a chair told me someone joined me
" Who are you "
I looked up and 5 people were looking at me
" sorry "
Stiles looked around then said quietly
" I know about your ability "
" you mean the accidental pushing of a button by yourself "
I could see the anger on his face and then I said
" if I told you you wouldn't believe me "
He looked over at the others and I got up and quickly walked out of the library and when the door closed behind me I knew they would be the next people to touch it so I left a little charge behind so I had more time to getaway. When they opened the door they looked all around unable to find me
" if only you remembered my tricks "
I said to myself and went to class. When lunch rolled around my card read how it should and I found my spot on the small ring of bricks and just watched the clouds go across the sky
" you know you all stare a lot "
I said quietly then looked over and saw Scott I decided was looking at me. I grabbed my things and went to a different spot out of their view. When the final bell rang I was already out the door I left a few minutes before the bell rang the teacher didn't notice. I got the gift I got for stiles and put it in his unlocked jeep and started my walk home.

I was halfway home when there was a loud screech of brakes I covered my ears then look onto the street and there he and Scott were
" How did you get in "
" you left it unlocked "
" told you "
Scott said and hit his arm lightly and I started to walk
" umm how did you do that thing this morning "
I shrugged
" oh come on just stop "
My hand that was on my backpack strop tingled telling me of the string of energy it presented so I quickly hid it
" can we give you a ride "
" umm thanks, Scott but I'm good walking "
" how do you know my name "
I stopped and went around to his side and said
" you heard me at lunch right "
" yea "
I smiled a little
" well maybe I'm not totally crazy "
I hit to hood a little then ran into the woods

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