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Lunas pov
The last bell rang and I let out a sigh as I collected my books
" miss Foust stay a minute "
The substitute at the front of the class said.
" yes sir "
" you seemed distracted in class today "
" sorry "
" what's on your mind "
I looked at the young man in about his late 20s with his buzz-cut blond hair and typical history substitute outfit
" I'm sorry but I need to get to practice "
He was leaning back on his desk but he steps forward as he said
" you can go if you tell me one of the stories we went over today and how it affected people "
" what "
" that or detention "
I clenched my jaw then I said
" ok you talked about the Grimm brothers little red riding hood you had problems with changing between slides 4 and 5 which spoke of 4 the tail and its lessens of don't talk to strangers in short and 5 told of the ties to Norse myths of Thor and Loki now don't trust a wolf you had in small text in the upper left corner in three shades darker than the red background now as you can see I was present in your fairly tail lesson and I need to go "
I left the room and rushed to the locker rooms. I went into coach's office and took a picture of the paper and today was strength training of course. I quickly got changed cursing myself for choosing shorts and a black t-shirt when I packed this bag that I lucky left in the right locker last night. I went to the skink and I looked at my right arm and it was spotted with purple marks
" well let's do this "
I said and walked out and found the weight room
" ok so I think a good hour holly what happened to you "
Everyone looked at me as I walked in
" well no win without a price right "
" god ok well everyone go on "
I was going to find something when coach said
" are you sure you're ok I didn't know you got hurt "
" oh please it's nothing just my own stupidity when I fell "
" is that all that happened "
" My ribs are messed up but it's fine I'm fine "
" ok take it easy ok "
" yeah "
I walked away and started to work on my arms now this was the dumbest thing I could have chosen to do but there was only one other guy over there. I had to set down the weight that I had in my right hand and I was gasping for breath. I looked at the guy
" Greenberg right "
" yeah hey good job at the game last night "
I sat down
" umm thank god why do we have to do this "
I looked back at coach and he was almost asleep
" well we were supposed to be in the pool but coach didn't look at the schedule properly "
" of course he didn't "
I laughed and I looked at the time had been an hour
" coach "
I said
" what what "
He said as he sat up straight in his chair and I pointed at the clock
" oh yeah Ummm go go "
Everyone walked out of the room and I got changed so fast I was waiting for stiles and Scott to get done.

" God I thought that I'd have to come in there and make sure you two were still alive "
" Hey guys study group at my house "
Scott said raising an eyebrow when she said, study group.
" yeah yeah "
I said and we were off. After hours everyone else left leaving me stiles and Scott. I was looking over a book for the 5th time tonight what I looked up and saw that it was 9
" hey "
I stopped when I saw that they were both asleep
" Thanks, guys "
I whispered I got up from the desk in Scott's room and went to get a drink. I left the lights off because I was using the light low of energy on my hand to see. The door opened and I ducked
" hello "
I stood up and it was Scott's mom
" hi miss McCall "
" The boys asleep "
" yeah "
She smiled as she set her stuff on the counter
" well what are you all fighting this time "
" something called the Nidhogg how are you so ok with this "
She sat down and started
" well I'm not but once you see somethings you just accept it as part of yours and your kids' life why "
" my mom thought I was crazy when I was you know about the hunt right "
She nodded why is it seaming so hard for me to finish a sentence.
" well she didn't believe anything I said about it and she made us move "
" I'm sorry Luna "
" it's fine "
I was leaning against the sink and the lack of sleep was starting to show because I said
" you know it's nice to see that you love Scott like you do my mom didn't want me she didn't want kids I was a drug induce accident every time my mom looks at me she gives me this look of not hating just dislike that's why she works the night shifts I mean she hasn't even called to see if I ate or to tell me about her last person and whatever they did and I know you'd call Scott about things like that and I don't know it's just so .. hard "
I let out a deep breath and then with so much sorrow in her voice she could make a depressed poet cry
" you know it's not fair that you all have to deal with this being teens and fighting to save the world and each other at the end of the day and god school work on top of that "
" don't forget lacrosse "
She got up and walked over to me and said
" Luna I see so much potential for love in you don't give up ok "
She hugged me and I said quietly
" my mom hasn't hugged me since I was 8 "
And with hat the hug tightened and for the first time in a long time, I felt ... safe.

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