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The new school year began with half of the pack left. They were all sad and tearful goodbyes full of promises to call. It's the first day of school tomorrow and the new pack the remaining pack are out in the woods chasing someone. We were right on their tail when a gun fired
" oh my god Luna "
We all stoped
" what "
Liam pointed at my stomach and there was a small hole and I could see a quick shine of moonlight through it and there was no pain a little blood and it was healing
" well shit "
I said pulling up my shirt to examine it further
" Are you ok "
" yeah let's go "
We were off after the thing again but it had gotten a good lead on us. When I got a chance I called stiles even though it was 3 in the morning
" hello "
He said fully awake on the first ring
" I guess I lied "
" about what Luna "
I could hear the divided attention in his voice.
" I do have a power stiles "
" what is it "
I heard him close a book like he didn't find what he was looking for
" stiles I can't feel pain and I heal almost instantly "
" what "
I heard Liam get caught in a trap and as I looked I said
" didn't you once say hunters catch wolfs "
I was cut off
" Luna what just happened "
I looked down at where I felt a pinch of sorts
" well I currently have an arrow sticking out of my leg "
and then I saw a string
" and it's like a grappling hook or something "
" Luna "
I was starting to be pulled in and I yelled
" I'm not a fish "
And that's when I saw the flash of mettle in the moonlight
" stiles I umm I'll call you back ok "
I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket and went over to the bush
" so umm do you get a thrill out of hunting kids "
The guy looked up and then moved his crossbow to aim it up at me and I started to laugh
" Please I've already died "
He dropped it
" what "
He stood up and took his hood off and said
" what are you "
" I'm ... something "
I punched him in the face and he was out.

" This was the best idea "
" yeah what do you have .. leader "
I said and Liam just glared at me
" We were close to this abandoned house and I want to know who he is and if there's more "
The boy started to move
" morning well never mind who are you "
I said and his green eyes opened
" I'm Athens strong ... who are you a heartless wolf that's killed an innocent person "
" what no my eyes are a blue idiot I'm ... human "
The uncertainty of the word human clear in my voice
" all of you "
" oh no he's a wolf but why were you out there "
I crossed my arms the low light and my all-black outfit made my hands look Iike they were floating in a way
" to protect humans from monsters like you all "
" ok can we leave him here "
Cory said from the shadows and I raised my eyebrows in agreement and Liam said
" no guys we can't do that "
He walked over and I moved out of the way and he continued
" how many of you are there "
He just smiled his black hair was still perfectly in place in a swoop of sorts. I couldn't hold back and I punched him and as a little blood started to run from his lips he said
" fine it's me, my dad, and my uncle "
" perfect we have that thing that jumps hosts that just showed up a few days ago and now hunters you really need to make a compound or whatever that stops it "
" I know Liam and you need to work on your aim "
I said reminding him of his punch that landed on the tree rather than the creature
" hello yeah I'm still tied to the chair "
Liam and I were looking at each other then looked at him at the same time and I said
" how do we know you won't kill us "
I looked at his eyes close and I could see the fear
" fine "
I said and we let him out of the ropes
" can I know your names "
" I'm Liam that's Cory and this peach is Luna "
I just stared at him for calling me that. I clapped
" ok so that thing I'll figure out what it is ok "
I walked to the door and when I opened it there was Apollo
" yeah let's go home boy "
As I was walking I called stiles but he didn't answer so I just kept walking telling myself the stories of the stars.

The one left aware Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora