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Stiles pov
Friday had finally come and as the day drug on I was getting distracted till I was pulled out of the way by another kid. I looked at the large fiery hole that was now going through half the school. The intercom switched on
" due to sudden events school is let out go straight home "
" my house "
I said and I just stood back and waited for others to push through the door. I smiled a little because Scott was just looking at me waiting
" ok yeah now we can go "
We were sitting in the living room
" where's Luna "
Lydia asked and right after the last sound of her name left her lips she burst through the door
" I'm here sorry "
" ok so what was that "
We all looked at Scott
" what "
" well you're the alpha I thought you just knew what was here "
Cory said
" well I don't know what it is it kinda looked like a ... hell hound "
" and how do we "
Luna said as she crossed the small room
" not sure "
He said pulling his brows together then he said
" well we may just have to kill it if it's not a human you know "
We all just looked at him and I said
" and how are we supposed to see if it human "
Once again that look reappeared on his face I quickly looked at Luna since it seems like she has a lot of answers. But nothing we were all sitting there at a loss for what needs to be done and we can't even go to the library to study things because we were told to go home and they definitely will lock the school.
" well what if we just hit it with something "
Luna said and she seemed a little annoyed which was odd for her. She must have felt the shift that she caused in the room because she said
" I mean hit it in the head and well if you hit hard enough it should knock some things out in the brain thus causing them to shift back if they are indeed human "
" that might actually work "
Lydia said looking at her surprise
" you catch on quick "
She continued Luna looked down then said
" I've been told all the tricks before "
She looked up
" well shall we "

Lunas pov
" God why am I bait "
I said to myself as I was led through the moonlit woods and after a few minutes I just stopped and said
" wait what attracts one "
I could hear the cracking of the branches
" they go with the wiled hunt they go with ... stiles "
I started to run back to the group and I started to yell
" protect stiles protect stiles "
I was stoped when the black bog appeared in front of me and it slowly started to glow and slowly all the anger from being trapped there started to flow through me again
" well ok "
I said I turned and started to run into the woods hoping I was right in assuming the wolves of the pack would already be out in the woods. My heart was pounding and I could feel the electricity starting to build and I turned and shot a few bolts at it and I saw two wolves but the thing didn't seem to care about them
" of course"
I said and I worked my way back to stiles. I was out of breath and it got healed up in the woods
" what's going on "
" that thing goes with the hunt and well we got out so umm I think it's trying to take us back or or kill us "
There it stood three trees back and I released I didn't have anything to hit it with
" run stiles run "
We turned and started to run and it seemed like the trees were getting closer and closer together then finally a large clearing
" This is where we make our stand I guess "
He smiled a little then the thing appeared and though about everything and I couldn't help it my anger slipped through and I guess it was clear because when we were next to each other back to back and the beats were circling us he said
" stop fighting with anger anger makes you stupid and stupid gets you killed "
" says the boy who brought a wood bat to fight a monster that's made of fire "
" hey now "
He turned to look at me
" I'm good with a bat it's my only "
The creature was going to jump on him so I cut him off by taking the bat and swinging as hard as I could and I got it and with a sound that resembled a tree falling it was out. We stood over it watching waiting for it to change but I didn't happen. The others stumbled in. As I looked over the creature I saw a chain around its neck
" What is that "
When it was chasing me I could tell it didn't want to it was like it was forced to
" it doesn't want to hurt us "
" how do you know that It seems like it wanted to hurt you two "
Lydia said
" the eyes they were filled with pain "
I touched the chain and said
" iron it can kill them and this is iron "
I moved the chain around and I saw a link that was separate a tinny bit. I found a thin strong rock and started to pry it open. As soon as I got the chain off its spring awake and everyone jumped back
" hey boy "
It started to show teeth then looked down and saw the pile of iron chain on the ground
" yeah boy you're free "
I put my hand out to show I didn't have anything
" it's ok "
I started to pet its head and then when it let me I hugged him and he started to get smaller. I let go and it was now a black German Shepard
" hey boy "
I said and he started to lick my face
" ok ok "
I said laughing
" go on "
He took off running
" see everything does things out of fear "
I walked past them and started my walk home I just wanted to clear my head.

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