Ch.1 A smile sharp as knives

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Sorry the first part of this chapter is a little slow but it picks up. Anyway this chapter is pretty safe. There's just some inappropriate talk, and a little molestation that last for like a moment. Nothing to hard core or anything for this first chapter. But just to be clear since some people don't seem to get it this story will have RAPE in it, because its a non-con smut. Alrighty then hope all ya sick sinners like me enjoy.


 "Goodbye Stella honey! You get home safe now okay?"

I smile, as I throw on my coat. "I'll do my best. Have a nice night Mrs. Eva!"

As I walk out the door I'm hit with cold air making me shiver. The bar had been so nice, and warm, especially back by the kitchen. It's a shame to have to leave the heat, and go out into the cold like this. Adjusting my scarf I start my walk home trying to pay the cold no mind.

I've been sticking to the same routine for nearly two years now. Go to work at Mrs. Eva's bar the Blue moon at 7 then leave at 11 at night. Then walk a good 10 minutes until I make it to the park that I'd have to go through to get home.

I can already see it in the distance, and hum at the sight. The parks dark as always with only a single lamp post at each gate entrance. I'm only ever able to see about 10 feet into it at night. This should be pretty disconcerting, but I've not once ever had a problem going through it as I walked home. In fact, I've never seen anyone out at this time of night when I leave work. It's especially true when it's getting into the colder seasons like it is now. Really It's almost like a ghost town at night like this.

I smile a bit at the thought. While most would find this walk nerve wracking, I actually enjoyed it! After all, I most certainly don't fear the dark. I actually find it very peaceful. It also gives me some thinking time. Not to mention the stars are beautiful!

As I walk through one of the park's three gates I'm surprised to notice the figure of a large stocky looking person sitting on one of the benches. That's strange. It's nearly a quarter to midnight, pitch black out, and freezing. Yet this person is just chilling out here on a bench.

I squinted, unable to really see them well through the distance and dark. They're just a living shape, but as I steadily get closer I'm able to get a good look at them. To my surprise it's not a person but a monster and a male by the looks of it. Strangely enough a skeleton monster. Huh, I've never seen a skeleton monster before.

I have no problems with monsters. They haven't been around for too long, but long enough for me to not flinch at their presence anymore. I've even had decent conversations with a few at work every now and then. Only thing was they had this gruffness that could be a little off putting some times, but no one is perfect and all that. It however is still strange he's out here right now, but also not my business.

The closer I get the better I can make him and his features out. He has glowing red pupils surrounded by dark sockets and is scowling down at his phone. Some pretty malleable bone apparently. I noisily wonder what's making him scowl at his phone like that, but push the curiosity away, not my business.

His large dagger like teeth are the very next thing that I notice. One of them even glinting in the dull lamps light with what looks to be gold? They looked so sharp, and I found myself subconsciously tonguing one of my own dull canines. A thick looking black hoodie adorn with fur and red and yellow accents. It looked warm, kinda wish I had one. A red studded dog collar poked out from it around his neck. Not sure if there's a reason for that, but neat. Lastly a pair of simple basketball shorts and rough red sneakers. I shiver just looking at the shorts. It's too cold for that.

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