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Dear Lovely Readers,

It has been such a long time but it had been fruitful and purposeful since it all went into shaping my baby into a well versed and well depicted Novel.

I've already mentioned about 'The Awaited Spring' getting published very soon.

I'm here with an update to the Saga.

I'm here to present the face to my words, The Cover of my beloved novel 'The Awaited Spring'

I'm here to present the face to my words, The Cover of my beloved novel 'The Awaited Spring'

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The blurb will be up pretty soon as well.

I hope You like it. Don't forget to drop down your viewpoints. Would love to read it, had always loved it.

It's soon going to be available on Amazon and Flipkart and so many other websites, the details of which will be revealed soon.

Also, to keep yourself updated about the upcomings of this novel and do not want to miss a single detail, follow me on Insta @dr.writer99

Or alternatively you can enroll your email id on my blog as well.

It's very inconvenient to connect through Wattpad.

Hoping for you support. You are the real gems in it.

Thanking you.

The Awaited SPRING (Published)Where stories live. Discover now