July 11, 1996

878 29 24

To Miss. Potter:

You must not put the blame on your brother, from what I can see, he may not be wrong. I promised I will not do anything to you, my darling, at least not until you are of age. His concerns are appreciated, although not needed. I know fully well what I am doing.

Certainly, we are not friends, if we are, wouldn't it be too boring?

I made an unbreakable vow with Severus a few days before. The Dark Lord had given Draco a task, he is forced to murder and get blood on his hand. But he is still my son, my only son. Look after him when you go back to Hogwarts, please! He's just a boy! I can't allow him to be killed! Do me a favor and make sure he doesn't go overboard.

Listen to me, Y/N, in this very year, something very big is going to happen. It can't be prevented by Dumbledore like the last several years, or stopped by you or your brother, please don't be overly upset when you see death. Again, I am sorry for the hardships you went through, but I really cannot help you. Good luck.

Try to be careful, will you Y/N?



Dear Ms. Black:

Hi Cissa!

What is it that you've got with my brother, defending him every second? And what the bloody hell do you mean by "he may not be wrong"??? Okay, maybe it's true I see you as a friend as you talk to me when no one else is here. Besides, even I like you that way, you won't like me back, romantically.

I hope you are not playing a game. Sure, you're beautiful, smart, and elegant...Ahhhhhh no, I can't believe what I just said!!!

Snape is a git and will always be one. Period. He can't teach, like what kind of teacher asks a bunch of weird questions on the students' first day? All he does is takepoints from Gryffindor and give points to Slytherin, I'd fire him if I am Dumbledore.

I'll try to help Malfoy mainly because Harry said we should be kind, and...save people? Well duh, he's too nice sometimes. I can see why you care about your son so much, my mum died protecting me and Harry, I assume you will do the same for Draco.

Wait...somebody is going to die? Who? And Draco has to kill that guy? Voldemort forced him?  There a quote I remember, "Every human life is worth the same." You are okay with that person being dead?

Why are you signing the letter with "love"? We are not dating or...

Your pen pal,


P.S. I can't wait to see you for real!

Dear Miss. Potter:

My heart raced at the sight of another letter, you have a way of making me feel alive😘. When you are in a large house, with only a house elve for company sometimes... I wish I could be a normal teenager.

No, I am not playing a game. Thank you so much for the praises though, I think every woman should be called "beautiful" at least once in their life. Please, I'm not smart, if that's true, then I won't be here, the opposite side from where my hearts leads me to.

As much as I hate to admit, you are still young, you don't understand how it works. Our would isn't black and white like nobody is good or evil. Yes, even Sirius or Dumbledore has a dark side, and the Dark Lord wasn't the way he is when he was born. Severus is probably the most grey man I ever met, the boy who made to many mistakes...sorry I really can't say more, look I want you to be happy and smile a lot, so I am thinking about ruining everything for you.

Your questions are well-asked, but I can't answer any of them, it's for your own good, or you will be unsafe. 



P.S. *smirks* Are you attracted to me, my dear Y/N?

Dear Ms. Black:

I am NOT attracted to you, or maybe only a bit... Ugh this question is hard. Harry never shuts up on why we should become a couple, well he is already insane anyway. A small update, he's over the moon for your niece, I wonder when will they marry? Merlin, I think I should shut up about Harry's love life, but then again, he poked his nose into mine first.

Can I call you Narcissa? I mean, we've been talking for a long time and you feel like an old friend to me. Adressing you as Ms. Black everyday makes it seem weird, just like you wouldn't call your best friend by their surname.

How's is going with your husband? I wouldn't have asked this if my brother didn't go "Narcissa is 100% than Malfoy's father, she is nice and kind while he is nothing more than a coward." all the bloody time!

Do you actually care about my happiness? Hiding loads of stuff from me because you want me to be safe? Sorry, I would rather see the whole world safe and happy, not just me. I can accidentally destroy our planet if I made a single mistake. It looks like I am alone and no one is helping me, please, don't treat me as a child.



Dear Miss. Potter

Of course, please call me Narcissa, or even Cissy! Does that mean we are now on first-name basis? 

The situation right is seriously not good, our world is dying, people are dying. The Death Eaters are stronger than ever, they killed more than 1000 muggles and muggle-borns already. Just like the last time, many people disappeared, the Ministry had no success finding them. Fenir Greyback bit Merlin knows how many children, I wished to be stronger, to be brave enough so I could stop them.

Thing are changing, Y/N. Believe me, it's not a good sign. Do you think I like sheltering the Dark Lord and his cronies? Do you think I want people dying without even trying to help? My only hope is that we could escape from the Malfoy Manor and stop living like a slave. But I know I am not alone, help is here for those who ask for it, and I will do it soon... 

I had my adventures, I don't need anything new, maybe the same goes for you too? 

Then please listen to me: Always ask for help, you are never alone. However alone you feel you are, that's because the people around you are making you feel alone in order they can continue picking on you. There are plenty of adults that wanna help, you just need to ask them. And it will be there, you will be safe.

That's all I have, maybe I am lost as you are , but at least I know what I will do.

Love you,


A/N: The quote is from Helen McCrory, it really speaks to me.

A/N: The quote is from Helen McCrory, it really speaks to me

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