Chapter 45

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Renèe's pov

"I can't believe you came", I said letting my tears fall. He chuckled as he wiped them off before kissing my forehead.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world babe"


I stared at Quinton with tears in my eyes but a heart filled with joy. He wiped my tears away and pulled me in for a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you babe."

"Thank you", I whispered. "I didn't see you at my ceremony, it kinda hurt".

Quinton pulled away as he smirked, "Now why would ii miss my girlfriend's graduation?", I looked at him confused before catching on. "You were there?", I asked in disbelief.

He nodded his head and brought his hand up to my cheek "I was the first to clap when you were finished with your speech. And I took multiple pictures and videos just to remember this day. You look beautiful"

"Are you trying to make me cry? You know my emotions are everywhere", I said sniffling. Quinton laughed before taking my hand in his making our way to my friends. How I've missed being with him.

We got to my friends and they all greeted each other with the secret handshake that I did not even know existed. I looked at Quinton in confusion before covering it up in admiration.

"So Quinton, what made you come?", Travis asked bringing me back to reality. "Well Sabrina and Cassidy called me telling me that Renèe was losing her mind and she wasn't eating right and considering that she's pregnant, it wasn't a good thing..."

The boys nodded their heads before Quinton continued, "...and I could not miss my baby's graduation. I've never missed an event in her life and I'm not about to start now."

Travis spoke up, "That's so sweet and all but I'm hungry so can we please get some real food!!! Like honestly, when are we eating?! I'm dying over hear!!", he screamed over the music.

"Travis Devon Jameson, stop embarrassing yourself!", his mom whisper-shouted at him. "But mom, I'm soooooo hungry and I'm not the only one".

The entire group kept itself from laughing but he was completely right about not the only one being hungry. I was feeling famished and that's when it clicked that before I spotted Quinton, I was actually going to ask for food.

Corey's dad's voice came over the speakers, pulling me out of my mind. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you will all head to your seats as food is about to be served."

I don't know how we managed to pull this off but my group and I all shouted with our hands going up in the air,


, causing everyone else in the restaurant to look at us in shock. Shortly after, laughter filled the room as everyone headed to their seats.


"Oh man, I can not believe that I have finally graduated. I remember during freshman's year, I arrived at school filled with nerves as my mom, brother and I had moved to this town and I swear although I'm a dude, I was scared as s-..."


"....sorry mom, I was scared as hell..."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Travis chuckled before carrying on, "... I did not think I would fit in. Until I bumped into Renèe and immediately I recognized her as the Collins daughter. Turns out we had the same schedule so we hung out from that day along with Casey. Then I got no idea how Corey, Ryan and Jason came along. Y'all just invited y'alls rich asses.."

"TRAVIS!!!!", his mom shouted.

I swear this is the best speech I've ever heard him say. Mainly because it's killing everyone.

"...I mean, y'all just decided to join us during one lunch break and we just became as close as we are. And I really hope we don't lose this bond even if we in different corners of the world..."

I noticed Corey handing Casey a tissue before he handed one to me. I open the camera on my phone and I swear I've never been so horried. I was a flipping mess. Thank god I didn't use mascara today.

"...So if everyone can raise their glasses and toast. To a forever type of friendship which we call a Familyship"

""TO FAMILYSHIP!!", we are said before the sound of glasses filled the room. Travis walked to his mom and kissed his mom before giving his older brother Trevor a bro hug.

He walked over to the graduates table and sat to my right. We all looked at him before bursting into laughter. "Damn dude, we forgot how holy your mom is", Ryan said in between his laughter.

"Shut the fuck up", Travis groaned folding his arms. This just made us laugh even more.

"And that was a pretty interesting speech from Travis Jameson.", Corey's father stated.

"You're welcome!!", Travis blurts out rather loudly.

"Anyways and we are now down to the last person tonight. Our beautiful valedictorian, Renèe Joan Collins"

The room erupted into cheers as I stood from my spot walking to the podium. I couldn't help but get emotional over all of this.

"Oh wow. This is overwhelming but in a good way. I'm happy that we have graduated but at the same time I'm sad because this means I won't spend every week day with my crew. But none the less, thank you to everyone who has been with me throughout highschool. I always wanted it to end but now that it has eneded...", and que my tears "...I'm really sad now but if there's one thing I wish had, I wish my mom had been here with me." I said wiping them away

"I honestly don't have much to say considering my long ass valedictory speech earlier but thank you to everyone who made my high school years special."


It started getting late so my brothers', Bree, my dad and I decided to head back home.

Unfortunately Quinton had a late shift at the hospital so he could not come with which made me sad but there's nothing I could do about it.

My stomach started grumbling so I head down to the kitchen to make myself some food.

I opened up the fridge look for something I can munch on.

"Salad? Too light. Chicken? I ate too much of it today. Cake? Mhm, not feeling vanilla."

"There's chocolate too.", a voice said from behind me. I turned around and looked over to my dad. We made eye contact before I turned back to the fridge in search of the chocolate cake until I landed my eyes on it.

I grabbed it and I noticed it had Ryan's name on it. Sorry Ry

"Thank you", I said closing the refrigerator door.

I opened the drawer to grab a spoon before attempting to walk out. Emphasis on the word attempted.

"How long are you going to ignore me?"

"Until I'm allowed to see Quinton"

"You saw him today."

"And you think that was enough?", I asked rather calm. "It wasn't. We didn't have the time to talk, it was a party filled with almost 100 people."

"Renèe I'm doing this to protect you."

"Well you are depressing me." I turned to face him. "Quinton is my boyfriend and the father of my baby. You have to accept that he'll be in our lives forever and not as my friend no more."


"Goodnight dad", I mumbled before walking up the flights of stairs.


Okay, this book is nearly at it's end and it's about to take a turn for...the worst maybe?? I don't know.
There's about 5 chapters left before I'm done with this book then I'm going to start on a new book plus a sequel for this one

Enjoy lovies♡

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