Chapter 51

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dedicated to Niku_22 for asking me to update the book so here you go.... hope you like it 😊

Renèe's pov

I'm dying. I am dying. Well, I think I'm dying.

It's been over a week since I've been trapped in wherever this is with George and I feel suffocated. I've been having stomach cramps of late which make me wonder if it's just me being hungry or is something wrong with my baby. I won't deny that George has been feeding me but I haven't been eating as much as I normally do.

Another thing is that I'm not tied up anymore. I can move about the room as I please which is great but pointless since the windows are nailed open meaning I can't even open it to get fresh air or listening to the sounds of the open.

The room George has trapped me in has a walk in bathroom with a large mirror and shower. I know, not something you would expect but you've got to hand it to him he was making this shithole more comfy than it was intended to be.

Did I mention he had a couple of books here for me? No like I'm being honest. After the first 2 days of me being here, he got me a couple of books so that I'd stay "sane". As if it's working but hey, it's a start.

I miss my life though, well majority of it. I miss my dad, Ryan, Raymond, Bree, Casey, Chloè, Marcus.... and even Quinton. Sure I found out that the asshole had been cheating on me but that doesn't stop me from missing him. Not a minute goes by without me considering what he is going through. He couldn't handle me going on school trips so how is he handling the fact that I've been kidnapped?

I mean I know everyone else is panicking, my dad most likely called the CIA by now but Quinton is not emotionally stable when I'm gone for too long. Hell, why am I thinking so much about someone who betrayed me?

"Thinking about him?", I heard a voice say. I turn around with fear running through my body to face he who has held me captive. I shake my head no too afraid to open my mouth and admit that I was. He walks closer to me and I take a few step back. I look to my feet when I notice him standing right in front of me scanning my outfit which consists of a denim romper, white croptop and denim jacketwith a pair of white Nike Air Force. "We need to go". I look up at him confused, "Huh? To where?"

"Out of this city. Where we can start our lives over with our baby" he says packing some items up frantically. "But George, this is not your baby and I don't want to leave with you"

George shot his eyes up and turned to me, "What did you say?". Under normal circumstances, I would've escaped from here by know because hello, I'm crazy and I know myself. However because I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant, I don't want to do anything that will risk me losing my baby so I had no choice but to be vulnerable. But leaving the city with this ass is not an option.

"You heard me George. I can't leave with you". Anger flashes through his eyes and I swear I almost peed myself. "And why the fuck not?".
"First of all, this is not your baby. Secondly I want my dad and Quinton to be with me as I raise my baby"

George runs his hand through his hair before grabbing me roughly, "I could give a rat's ass what you want. You are coming with me and that's final". He pushed me away causing me to bump into a shelf behind me. I lost my balance and fell to the floor. George quickly noticed what he did and almost ran to pick me up when I lifted my hand. "You don't need to help me, I'm fine"

He ignored my statement and finishes packing before grabbing my arms and forcefully dragging me out the room. "George, you hurting me" I cried being practically pulled up the stairs. As we reach the top of the staircase he lets go of me and I take a good look at the room. It's.... beautiful. No really this was a huge studio apartment with the kitchen in one corner,living space in the middle and what I assume is the bedroom right where I'm standing.

"Come on", he passed past me grabbing my hand in the process and dragging me put the door. We enter another room with a black car parked in it. 'Must be the garage', I thought to myself. He opened the back door for me as I stood wih my hands behind my back as I watched him throw the backs in the back of the black Mercedes. He closed the boot to find me standing there, "What are you waiting for?"

I looked up to him mumbling a sorry before shooting his right leg. "Ahhh!!!! Shit, what the fuck?!" George hold onto the wounded area as he collapses onto the floor. "Where did you get that?!", he shouts. I walk up to him shooting his left arm as I say "Your kitchen table."

I grab the car keys from the ground along with his phone and remote control for the garage before jumping into the driver's seat. I lock all doors and start driving out of the garage and off the land. Once I'm a reasonable distance away from George, I stop and unlock his phone. Well more like try.

"Shit, what could it be? What could it be?". One password attempt left.
'Think Renèe, think. What it be? Hold on...'


The phone unlocks. 'Yess' I cheer. I enter my home address to find the quickest way to get there. 'Should I inform the police? Yes'. My hands start shaking as I dial 911. As the phone starts ringing, I start to get a bad feeling. I look at the rear view mirror and see a car approaching. "Shit". I drive off as quickly as I can as I hear a voice boom on the speakers. "911, what's your emergency?"

"Uhm, hi. This is Renèe Collins. I had been held captive but I managed to escape. Please inform my dad". The line goes mute for a moment before, "Miss Collins? Oh my God, okay mam we going to track this number and dispatch the officers we have on duty." My arms grib the steering wheel tightly as fear within me increases. "Yes, thank you. Just don't lose me. Please", I cry. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain my stomach leading me to scream.

"Mam, are you okay?" The lady asks. "No I don't think I am..." and just as I'm about to tell her, I hear a loud bang. I look in the mirror to see George driving closer and closer to me. "Oh my God, he's following me. George is following me. What do I do?" I cry while panicking. The lady's voice comes up on the speakers again "Mam stay calm and drive faster. We are currently tracking the phone you calling with and you are less than 5 minutes away from your area. Just make sure he doesn't catch up to you". George shows up on my left side and tries to bump the Mercedes but I manage to slow down leading him to lose control of the car giving me a chance to drive past him.

I see the houses and buildings of our area and for a brief moment I was happy. Well that's before I heard a gunshot and felt a bullet go through my left arm. "Ahhhhhh fuck!" I shouted. "Renèe? Renèe, are you okay?" The lady asked. I will admit I was shocked she's still on the call but it also it comforted me. "He shot me. It stings"

"WHERE THE HELL IS DISPATCH?!" She shouted to what I assume were her colleagues. I looked to my left and saw a very angry looking George aiming his gun at me. A thought came to mind but I wasn't sure if it's gonna work but it's the best chance I have to make it out alive with my baby.

I decreased the car's speed just slightly and before he could, I leaned the car onto the backside of his and drove in. "Sorry baby", I mumbled to my child as I hit George's car. George's car loses complete control and spins out of my way. I recover quickly and drive away into the direction of the hospital.

As I see the hospital begins to look closer and closer, I feel a sense of joy but it's quickly replaced by pain. "Fuuuuucckkkk!!!" I hold onto my stomach with the shot arm. In less than 2 minutes I make my way into the emergency parking of the hospital.

I stop the car and jump out walking to the entrance of the hospital when I hear wheels screeching. "Oh God, does he not die?". I try run into the hospital when I hear "You fucking bitch" I pull the gun from my front and turn to shoot George but he manages to shoot me in the stomach. "Ahh! Fuck." I collapse onto the ground holding my stomach as it bleeds with tears in my eyes.

I suddenly see red before gaining enough energy to shoot George. He turns to walk away but I aim perfectly for his head and release the bullet. He falls onto the ground almost instantly as I try to get up and rush into the hospital.

The staff appears from the door and takes a look of the scenery. "SOMEONE GET A BED FOR MISS COLLINS". I ignore them all and rush into the hospital to look for Quinton. I knew chances of my baby surviving are slim so I wanted him by me no matter what he may have done.

"Quinton!!! QUINTON!!!" I scream as my vision starts bluring. "Quin-ton, Quin-..." was the last thing I said as my body collided with the floor, allowing darkness to consume me

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