Chapter 49

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Renèe's pov

"Another packet of diapers? How many does an infant need?", Ryan groaned. "Oh a whole lot. It's like they shit every minute" Chancellor laughed.

The gender reveal is finally over with and right now we are in the living room trying to arrange all the gifts Cassidy and Ryan received for their new baby boy.

I'm having a nephew. Like I can't believe that our family is gaining another boy. I was really for a baby girl from Casey but I'm still super excited that it's a boy.

"So when is your gender reveal?", Charles asked snapping his fingers in my face. "In about 5 weeks. I really hope I'm having a girl."

"Nah it's a boy". Ryan said. We all turned to face him in shock "How do you know the gender of Renèe's baby?" Chase asked.

Ryan scratched the back of his head while biting his lip. He sighed but still kept quiet. I walked up to him and looked at him directly in the eye, "How do you know that I'm having a boy?"

"I read your file. Chloè wrote it down when you went couple of days ago. Dad knows too"

I slapped the back of his head before walking towards Casey's backyard. I opened the sliding door and stood there looking out. I heard footsteps approaching but I never turned around to look who it was.

"How are you feeling" Chase asked.

"Like I could rip his head off." I huffed

Chase turned me around and place a finger under my chin, "You know that you have a curious brother."

"He literally just broke the hospital code. I don't care if it's our family hospital and that he was curious the point is that he shouldn't have and even if he did, he shouldn't have told me that I'm having a son. I wanted to find out in a unique way, not him blabbing it out after finding out that he is having a son", I rambled.

Chase pulled me in for a hug and wiped a tear off my cheek. I really did not what to find out the gender of my baby in this way. Chase pulled away before leaning in to kiss my forehead. "He meant well. He always does."

"I know" I sniffed "Sometimes, I just wish he could keep certain things to himself for the time being". I looked up at Chase before taking a quick glance at his lips. I found myself biting my own to let the temptation of kissing him go down. He placed his hand on my cheek and leaned closer to me. "You are so beautiful."

I couldn't help but blush at his words. "I haven't heard that in a while". Chase chuckled a bit kissing the tip of my nose "You deserve to hear it everyday Renèe. You are the definition of beauty."

I stared at Chase before kissing his cheek. "That's not enough," he groaned before pulling me in for a kiss. His lips were so gentle and soft against mine. A moan escaped my lips as he pulled me closer to him. Our tongues fought for dominance until he won. He slipped his tongue into my mouth as I felt myself melt in his arms.

We broke the kiss breathing heavily as he placed his forehead against mine. "If you weren't pregnant, I'd make you mine at this moment".

"So me being pregnant with another man's child is stopping you?" I asked sounding rather angry. "No, you dating the father of your child is stopping me. I don't mind that your pregnant."

I pulled away from Chase looking at him for a brief moment before walking into the house. Everyone was still in the living room sorting the gifts out.

I grabbed my car keys and headed towards the front door. "Where are you going Renèe? I'm about to serve dinner" Cici said. "I'm sorry mam but I need to head down somewhere quickly but I'll come sleep over"

"That would be nice. See you soon." I smiled at her and walked out the door in a hurry. I hopped into my car and drove away from Cassidy's house as quick as I could.

I drove around the neighborhood for almost twenty minutes before deciding to drive to the hospital. I parked in the VIP parking lot and headed straight into the hospital.

I went past the receptionist and straight to the lift. As I'm walking closer and closer to it, I felt as if something wrong was happening. The doors of the lift opened up and I stepped in with two doctors following suit. "Miss Collins" I turned to their direction and flashed them a smile "Evening Doctors"

The lift reached at Quinton's floor and I practically ran out of it. I found myself standing in front of his office door contemplating if I should open.

"N- no, I should not bother him", I mumbled to myself. As I was about to walk away, I heard moans coming from his office. I leaned closer to the door to listen and they only increased. My mind told me to leave yet my body had a different plan. I opened the door and shock hit me like a brick.

"Quinton" I whispered.

He looked up still pounding into the woman before stopping when he realised it's me. He pulled out of the woman and tried to cover himself up. The woman stood from her position and also tried to cover up.

"Look baby I can explain..."

"Can you really?" My voice coming out soft " This explains a lot about your behavior lately. You have been cheating on me this whole time"

"No Renèe, it's not like that...I-"

"I just found your dick inside of another person's pussy and now you telling me that it's not like that?!! Then how the fuck is it? Huh??", I screamed

Quinton looked at me in what seemed to be shock. I looked over at the woman he had been fucking and I quickly realised that she was one of the nurses at the hospital.

I walked over to her as she kept her head down. "Get dressed, pack up and leave this hospital. You're fired"

"You can not fire me", she said. I walked up to her pulling her by the hair which made her wince, "Want me to tell the board of what you have been up to? And I think you forgot that my dad owns this hospital"

"And so does Quinton's dad".

I pulled her hair even more making her cry, "True but Quinton's dad loves me more than anything and because I'm carrying his grandchild, I am pretty sure that he will fire both you and Quinton. Now again, get dressed pack your shit up and leave. Before I make sure you don't ever get to work at a hospital in this state ever again."

She looked at me in fear before grabbing her clothes and walking about the door. I turned to face Quinton before walking towards the door and closing it, locking us both inside.

"Boy, I think you forgot who you are dating." I walked up to him and slap him hard. I pulled him by the neck making him face me "You are lucky that I'm carrying your baby whose the heir of whatever business your family has otherwise I would have thrown you out the window"

I let go of him and before he could even speak, I walked out the door and headed straight for the parking lot. I got into my car and started crying hysterically.

If this had been a one time thing, I would have forgiven him but I knew from how they both reacted that this had not been the first time. I speeded out of the hospital parking and straight onto the road.

I drove out of town and into the wood when my car decided to break down. "How fucking great!"
I stepped out my car and opened up the hood to see what the problem was before hearing footsteps approaching.

As I tried to turn around, something hit me from the back causing me to loose my balance. "Oh my angel, finally you will be mine" was the last thing I heard before everything went black

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