Chapter 3

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Describing S/H
Suicidal thoughts
Intrusive thoughts

It's been a week.
Bad and skeppy come over every now and then
Dream's head buzzed with guilt and a pounding headache
He rolled over to see the time.

Dream let out a sigh
He sat up, legs dangling on the edge of the bed
He got the motivation to get up from the urge to piss.

He looked at himself in the mirror
His shirt hung off his shoulder
a shirt that was once tight
His collarbones sunk in
His eyes were dull, a dark circle underneath

He hasn't ate
He has had absolutely no appetite
He did his business in the bathroom and went to wallow in his self-pity.

A knock sounded throughout his house
He groaned, walking down the stairs already
He opened the door, his breath hitched in his throat.

A man stood in front of him
Brown eyes
Brown hair
Pale skin
and, very much shorter then him

"George? What the fuck?"
The other man let out a sore laugh as he threw himself on the,, rather musty individual.
Dream hugged back like it was the end of the world

His bestfriend was here, maybe now he'll get back the love of his life.

"When did you, get here?" dream looked amazed at the other man.

"Last night, i told bad and skeppy I was coming here." George smiled as he plopped himself on the taller mans couch, dream stood quiet.
"I heard what happened.. I'm sorry."
George's expression faded into one with sympathy.

"It's,, okay." dream sat down next to george, George groaned
"You fucking stink!"

"Hey! I'm going through a tough time leave me alone!" dream laughed, george pulled him off the couch

"Where's your bathroom, cmon."

Dream groaned "over there"
"Your room?" george asked again

"Down the hall to the left." dream was pushed into the bathroom, george walked away.

Dream's thoughts were slient
He looked at himself once again
He was deathly pale
He looked like he hasn't showered in decades
Maybe this is a good thing.

George came back with a pile of clothes
A green long sleeve sweater
Socks, underwear, etc.

"i'm proud of you for not having shit stains on your boxers" george said casually as he put the clothes on the counter

"I- uh- thanks??" dream was extremely confused and kinda shocked at the wording.
"Now, take a shower. I'll brush your hair and we're going to eat, I'm starving."

The mention of eating made dream recoil internally, but he nodded anyways.
The door closed and the thoughts came back

You're disgusting
Why are you still here?
Take your chance, do it now
Do it.
Do it.

Dream looked at himself, taking off his shirt
Red and newly scabbed lines covered his stomach, shoulders and lower arms.
Taking off the rest of his clothes
New scars appeared

His legs

He tried not to look at them, he instead prepared the shower
He stepped in and knew the thoughts would come running.

Do it
Do it
leave this horrible cruel world
Sapnap deserves better
He's right for leaving you
Take the razor
Take it
Take it

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