Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2

"So, your little tutoring date canceled on you? And your sad?" Adam fake pouted.

"Whatever, they said that they'll come next week on Wednesday." I say skimming through the menu.

"Hello, what can I get started for you today?" The waiter asks. "I'll get the deluxe special, with coleslaw and could I get a side of pickles please? Oh and a coke. Thanks." He scribbles on his notepad and he nods giving me a smile.

"And for you?" He directs his gaze to Adam. "I'll get the same thing as her and a chocolate shake." Adams finishes as he hands the waiter our menus. He then goes and puts in our orders.

"Dammit. I should've got a shake too." I sigh.

The waiter reappears with our drinks and Adams shake. "Here you guys go and it'll take about 15 minutes or so for your order. Is there anything else that you need?"

I was about to open my mouth before getting rudely cut off by Adam. "No thanks, we're good." The waiter nods.

"Hey! I was going to get a chocolate shake." I frown.

"Just have some of mine." He says, he pushes the shake to me. "Really? What a miracle." I laugh. I take a sip and sigh.

"That made my whole day better." I sigh happily.

"Hey, don't drink all of it before the food get here." He lectures.

"Okay dad." I roll my eyes at him and continue to sip.

"That's enough for you fatty." He snatches the drink out of my grasp.

And on cue the waiter comes placing our orders on the table.

"Let me know if you need anything else." He says before going to tend another table.

Adam starts gobbling down his food, and I quickly follow suit.

"I'm done." He says sighing in content.

"What the hell. We just started eating." I say baffled.

"What can I say, I'm a growing man." He smiles.

"Yeah, yeah, you showed me your pubes." I rolled my eyes. He laughs and sips his shake.

"When you're done let's got to the spot and just hang there for a little while."

"You mean my house?" I say as I shove a fry down my throat. "That's what I meant," He pauses scratching his chin. "Could I stay over?" He averts his eyes.

"Sure," I chew. "Let have this for take out so we can eat while watching a movie." I reply standing up.


I make my way with my wallet and stand in front of the register. I get my boxes and spin around.

I let out a yelp  as I come in contact with a body. "Sorry I-" I am cut off as I feel my body start falling backwards, I shut my eyes bracing for impact but it never comes.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to move?" The agitated voice of Xander asks.

I feel a grip on my uniform, glancing down his hand is grasping my shirt. I quickly set myself straight. "Thanks," I shuffle my feet, embarrassed. "Sorry, I-" I cut myself off as I see him text away on his phone.

"Alright then. See ya." I wave and go to the register, pay, get the to-go boxes and make my way back to the table.

I frown as I see Adam flirtatiously gawk at a girl who I didn't recognize.

A pang of jealous runs through me.I quickly shake it off and head over as his eyes meet mine, he stands.


"Yep. Lets go."

We head out and out of the corner of my eye I could feel a pair of eyes burning at the side of my head. Curious I turn to see Xander.

He was still in his uniform, he looked messy, but in a surprising good way that suited him. His tie was loose and his collar was unfixed. Deep green eyes with dark circles, almost as if he hadn't slept.

He shot me a wink and funnily enough I returned it. I turn and walk behind Adam that was talking about the pretty girl that he was previously gawking at.

"I got her number." He grinned like a joker.

"Of course you did," I open the car door and slide in. "But seriously, you have to stop writing that corny pick up line." I say jabbing him.

"Oh please. The ladies love it."

"Whatever you say Casanova." I sigh and lean the seat back.

"You could learn a thing or two from me. I think it's time we got you a boyfriend." He suggests. Another pang of hurt shoots through me.

"No thanks. I've got too much on my plate."

He drives out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "Really? Like what?" He asks, side eyeing me.

"Lots of things. You know I recently got a cat right?" I squeal happily remembering the little tabby cat I found on my way home.

"Honestly you should've just got a dog." He rolls his eyes.

"Please you only say that because Mittens scratched you." I laugh.

"My point exactly. That cat is a menace." He scowls.

I chortle.

"He's a baby! My baby, but whatever. I don't even think I'll have a boyfriend until I graduate. And besides I have tutoring and other great things." I say.

"Well, you are very close to becoming a cat lady. So I'd say be very careful." He teases.

"At this point I'd say you're hating on me." I huff. I feel a vibrating feeling on my uniform pocket.

I pull out my phone.

Sorry I to cancel our tutoring date. I'll see you tomorrow ;)



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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