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So I was out skating as I usually do, and there's this retention pond with fountains and a little path around it so of course I skate there a lot it's pretty and there are ducks. Well there was this lady walking with some other lady who looked a little younger than her. The taller one had a cane and I was just gonna skate past them quietly and leave them be, as I usually do. I'm not one of those people.
So I was skating up the hill to go past them and down this really steep hill on the path, and the tall lady turned and saw me, and stuck her cane out as I reached the top of the hill to pass her. I slid out of the way and fell in the grass luckily and got up and approached her while she was laughing. Her friend looked kind of uncomfortable tho.

I got up and said "well that was rude" and she was like "well you're not allowed to be here" and at that point I was like 'tf' but she looked so serious. "What do you mean?" I asked her and she was like "you're not allowed to skate here."

Bruh it's a retention pond with a nice wide path around it everyone's allowed here.

So I said "there's literally someone over there on a bike skating around this pond you gonna go trip them too?" And I pointed to this other person riding a bike on the other side of the pond. The lady blinked and was like "I know someone from the HOA" and I said "good for you did you want a Participation award cos I know someone from the HOA too." (Literally one of my neighbors was from the HOA lmao)
The lady was like "are you harassing me?" And I said "you literally stuck a fucking cane out in front of me at the top of a hill wtf" and she pulled out her phone and started 'recording me' so I just laughed and continued.
"You know what would have happened if I didn't pull off into the grass? There's a hill right there so u probably would have had me skidding or tumbling, but either way I'd have some sort of injury. You know what would have happened after that?" And she rolls her eyes and says "what" and I said "I would have sued your ass to the fucking curb now I'm going to go now have a wonderful day, you danger to society"

And I literally skated past her and not three seconds later I heard a timer go off JKSJSKJSKSJSK-

fr tho like who raises ppl to be like that?!?! Thinking about it now I was being pretty rude as well but at the time I was like really pissed.

Oh and her friend was literally looking between us the whole time like I was gonna beat her friend up. Like I'm not that crazy but 😂

This wasn't the most descriptive thing I've ever written but I found the entire encounter hilarious afterwards so I literally just typed it all down lmao

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