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I don't know if I've mentioned this but I do taekwondo. As many know, martial arts is a one person thing, but sometimes we do partner drills. They set us up in size, so a small child isn't doing round kicks at a middle aged person.
So I'm in the adult class with my sister and she was doing the partner drill with another teen. By I was partnered with a twenty eight year old firefighter. He was pretty cool and it was easy at first until I did a move wrong and he accidentally stepped on my toe. And as you can guess, he's about twice my size, for I am only one hundred and ten pounds. But I make up for my weight in height

But anyways

It hurt

A lot

But I'll be fiiiinnnnnee.

Besides, i can move it so I'm sure I'll survive.

I could just feel my heartbeat in my toe for an hour.

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