Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fate/Stay Night or anything, please support the official release

Chapter 10: Shirou Emiya

What the hell is going on!?

Kirei is dead? How!? Why!?

Gilgamesh comes to mind... but even I doubt he would kill a "source of entertainment" even if he got bored of him. Was it Zouken? No... the one I fought was the genuine article, and I made sure that the bastard never came back. Illya, Caster and Souichirou all have an alibi so I can scratch them off the list of suspects.

[The only explanation is that some outside entity killed the priest]

'But why? What could they gain from his death?'

[I don't know. By the way, you may want to pop back into reality. I think Rin is about to lose it]

I look up to see Rin's face as red as a tomato with rage twisting her cute face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

At this moment, I knew I fucked up. "'What's wrong?' What's wrong is that we're concerned about the fact that there is a third party who knows about the Holy Grail War and maybe out there trying to kill us and you're just staring off into space like a moron!?"

"Well, if it makes you feel better I'm just as worried as you and I've already ruled out any possible suspects." I stated.

Something caught Shirou's attention, "wait a minute, Rin. why would you think they know about mages?"

Rin turns to Shirou. "You know how Kirei wasn't just a priest? Well, there's more to that. He is, or was, an Executor, someone who is tasked with dealing with heretical beings like us mages. Fortunately, the church is in alliance with the Clock Tower so there's no need to worry. He is also a user of Bajiquan, a fusion of martial arts and magecraft, as well as being proficient with the Black Keys. It would take someone as strong or stronger than Kirei to take him down."

I nod, knowing full well Kirei's fighting prowess. Unlike Kiritsugu, Kirei's magic circuits didn't suffer any ill side-effects from the mud of the Holy Grail and as a practitioner of this fighting style, it makes him lethal in close-range. Souichirou could probably take him on, but I'm not sure if he could defeat him since he isn't a magus.

"So, whoever this mystery killer is could come after us?" Illya asked.

"It's likely, but we'll have to investigate." Rin replied.

I turn to Caster "can you modify the barrier around the estate?"

Caster nods, "I can add defensive measures just in case someone with malicious intent wants to get inside."

I take a deep breath, "now with that out of the way, it's time to address the other elephant in the room."

Everyone turns to the bound Taiga by the end of the room, still possessed by Jaguarman. She is still asleep, apparently because she had exhausted all of her mana yesterday.

[You know, I still don't get how someone captured a Divine Spirit and bound it to a onesie of all things]

'Maybe they're just very smart and tricked it.'

[I get the feeling that wasn't the case]

Rin narrows her eyes and looks at Shirou, "wake her up."

Shirou obeys and stands up. He walks towards the kitchen and returns with a platter, to which he sets down on the table and removes the lit, revealing what can be described as the most delicious meal even conceived by man.

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