Night Twenty: The Make-Believe Sandbox

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Haruki woke from his nap to be greeted by Kaname's soft smile. The older vampire pushed strands of brown hair from his face, fingers dragging across soft skin as he did so. Kaname looked slightly transfixed, his eyes unfocused while staring into Haruki's own.

"Kaname?" Haruki softly called, hand coming to rest on the arms cuddling him close.

"Hm?" Kaname blinked before looking at Haruki again.

"What do you want me to address you as now? Oniisama, or...?"

"What would you like to call me?" Kaname's eyes pinched at the sides as he smiled, it looked... natural.

"Do the Night class know?"

"No, as far as the entire world knows Juri and Haruka Kuran do not have any other children. When the time comes... Yuuki and yourself will be introduced to the vampire world as the Prince and Princess of the Kurans," Kaname explained, his hands moving to drawl lines on the white shirt of Haruki.

"Aren't you the prince?" Haruki asked, curious eyes lingering across Kaname's expression.

"For now," the brunette smiled, "Cursed Blood will make your introduction interesting but I don't have any doubts that when the time comes you will handle it."

Haruki nodded softly, thoughts drifting as the warmth he was in slowly started to become uncomfortable. He felt stuffy like he was wearing layers upon layers in a room with the heaters on max. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, Haruki unaware he was even starting to sweat. 

"Is it already too much, Haruki?" Kaname's words were soft but there was an edge under that sympathetic smile that the elder twin was now able to see. 

"W- Why is it-" Haruki's voice was dry, he was desperate for water or something to ease his throat but he noticed he wasn't hungry. 

"Will you let me... have more of your precious blood?" Kaname had shifted quickly as he spoke, pinning Haruki under him with brown hair hanging down and tickling the twin's cheek. 

"The fire-" Haruki grimaced, remembering how his body reacted formerly to these types of situations.

"It's okay, Haru," Kaname's referred to what he called him when they were children, "I won't stop you from fulfilling your body's needs. 

"Kana-" a tongue licked against Haruki's neck as he cried out, "Kaname!" 

Fangs broke his skin, fangs he'd once had a childish daydream of breaking his flesh and consuming the blood from his body. The fire broke out under his skin, frantic hands grabbing his collar down and unknowingly ripping buttons in a feverish attempt to release himself from the choking heat he was suffocating in. 

Haruki was writhing before the agony of fire switched, it was like his nerves stop reacting the way they had been and rerouted from pain to pleasure at such a quick rate Haruki couldn't brace himself from the lewd noise that left his lips. 

Kaname's shoulders stiffened slightly, his posture swaying as he braced above Haruki. The scent of blood, let alone the taste had clouded his senses and the noises that Haruki had started making was something that was expected but Kaname's own bodily reaction had him surprised. The elder vampire could feel how tight his pants were, something he wasn't really anticipating nor considering this early in Haruki's reawakening. 

"Kaname," Haruki's whine regained attention as wine eyes drifted down to the bespectacled ones below him.

"What would you like me to do, Haruki?" 

Haruki wasn't in much of a state to consider the way he looked, blood at his neck, shirt ripped open and a panting mess below Kaname.

Then... a shaky hand reached up for Kaname, looking past the hand a set of ruby eyes glowed eerily up at Kaname.

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