Night Nineteen: Tales of Cursed Eyes

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When Haruki opened his eyes again, it was to a dimly lit room with no windows -  a familiar sight. His mind was foggy as the taste of metal lingered in his mind, a sound to his left grabbed his attention. 

"You're awake," Kaname's voice was soothing to Haruki's tired senses, "I hope you don't mind-"

Kaname was suddenly helping Haruki sit up before biting into his own wrist. Haruki noticed the scent of blood heavy in the room, unsure of whose was whose he opted to say the blood that smelt familiar was Kaname's and the overwhelming scent of vanilla and chocolate could only belong to him. 

A thumb brushed against his cheek, catching his attention before gliding along his lips. Kaname didn't speak before kissing him, it was somewhat of a passion before Haruki tasted blood and his mouth opened wide subconsciously to let the liquid flow onto his tongue. His body gave a jolt of protest when it ran down his throat and pain seared across his body.

"I'm sorry, this isn't going to be easy for you," Kaname's words were laced with sorrow that still managed to pull at Haruki's heart. 

As his mind stopped processing, Haruki was aware that his vision faltered and his body fell limp in Kaname's arms. At first, there was only the hazy vision of Kaname's eyes peering into his... then there was a sensation of cracking along his skin - something so painful it was comparable. Haruki was sure that silent screams were leaving his lips as his body felt heavier than lead and his thoughts became a flurry of whispers and screams all at once. Faintly, in the foggy embrace, Haruki happened across a familiar room with light walls, warm lighting yet no windows.


Yuuki no older than a toddler peered up at his slightly taller body - Haruki remembered this. When mother, Juri Kuran, and father, Haruka Kuran, would read to them the two would giggle together and Haruki always asked many questions. Often they'd drag Usagi-chan, their rabbit doll with them to read.

Haruki perked up, sensing his Oniisama returning before his twin did but she had grown to know the look on his face as the two darted towards the door just as young Kaname walked through. 

"Oniisama!" the pair called out, bright grins spreading across their faces as their eyes lit up.

"Welcome back, Kaname-oniisama!" Haruki jumped at the boy's legs with Yuuki not far behind.

"I'm back," Kaname sighed as he grabbed a shoulder of each twin, "Haru and Yuuki are warm."

"That's because you're cold," Haruki mused, before wriggling away as Kaname reached his hand to the boy's neck, which earnt the yelp of, "Cold!" 

Yuuki's bubbly laughter echoed causing the two boys to laugh too, though Haruki was begrudging as his neck was still tingling from the touch.

"I'm warm now, Haruki, Yuuki," Kaname smiled as the twins beamed back up at him.

Haruki Kuran was what one might call serine, a soft smile that accompanied his twin's radiant sunshine like a soft glow from the moon. Opposites yet protective twins. Then there was Kaname, their older brother. The man who had lost everything the night the twins were saved. The man who had to watch his family grow up from the sidelines. But the memories weren't about to stop flooding in.

Haruka's word of the senate becoming unstable was what Kaname was told when he asked why the twins couldn't go outside. Though, if any word about Pureblood having more children, not to mention twins got out... there would be a shift in the world - especially given one was a fabled Cursed Blood.

A warm feeling swallowed Haruki as he was hugged by young Kaname, his child body easily fitting into the elder's arms as their heads rested together. Yuuki was heavily leaning against the pair, a soft smile on her face as they dozed in the warm moment. Haruka looked upon the children fondly, despite having just spoken of the senate. 

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