Night Seven: The Forbidden Act

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Haruki and Zero, unknown to the other, didn't show up for classes. Yuuki was unsure who she was more scared for but the classroom gossip did startle her - rumours that her twin was gay. By this point, she knew it to be a fact but who else could have guessed? Haruki was really quiet about everything he did. 

It wasn't until Yori pointed it out, that Ishin had bruises on his knuckles and jaw that Yuuki fled class to find her twin. The sight she saw made fresh tears roll down her face. Huddled under several blankets with the curtains drawn was her twin. 

"Haruki?" Yuuki's voice came out so soft she wasn't sure if he had heard her. 

"Yuu-chan," The hoarse reply had the younger twin running to the bed and shifting through the blankets to find the bruised and tearstained face of her twin. The bruising was light, there was dried blood from his nose and a small cut on his lip. Yuuki found the teen's glasses cracked on the ground a ways from the bed as well as his sword which had scratches along the sheath and the handle now frayed. 

"Was Kaien in today?" The use of the Headmaster's first name made Yuuki even more scared for her twin. 

"No, no, he's not... Oh, Haruki," Yuuki wept for her brother. 

"I'll be out on patrols," Haruki muttered, "Is Zero up and about?"

"No, I'm not sure where he is," Yuuki sadly answered. 

"We'll find him," Haruki winced into a smile, "You need to finish classes. I'll get myself ready during that time."

"Are you going to be okay?" Yuuki's eyes showed that she didn't trust the teen to look after himself.

"I just got my ass beaten, I'll manage once I get over it emotionally," Haruki offered a smile that could rival Yuuki's. 

"Okay... I'll see you later then," Yuuki bid her twin a short farewell before returning to classes.

Haruki let his face pull into a scowl as he recalled the night prior replayed in his mind. He hadn't even saw it coming. He did get the small satisfaction of landing a solid punch to Ishin's jaw but that was nothing compared to what the boy had done to him. It's not like Haruki wanted to get beaten up, but it was against his moral code to raise a hand to a human.


When Yuuki did see Haruki next, he had the bruises covered with borrowed makeup and the only visible mark was the cut on his lip which he had a small butterfly tape holding together. He wasn't wearing his glasses either which made Yuuki frown.

"You okay?" Yuuki asked.

"Are you? Waiting on someone in here?" Haruki pointed to the night class classroom.

"Yagari... he's their morals sensei," Yuuki quietly explain.

Haruki didn't even try to hide his laughter until Yuuki shushed him. 

The two decided to wait for the class to be out before asking the hunter questions about Zero's location. Both needed to make sure the teen was okay. 

Soon enough, the hunter left the classroom and glanced at the two waiting twins.

"Were you waiting out here the whole time?" Yagari asked, "I thought you'd have gone to look for Zero."

"... Since you've said that Zero is fine..." Yuuki trailed off, "I figured you're the one at risk of being torn to shreds by the night class."

Haruki snapped his head to the side to hide his chuckle.

"I don't want that happening, considering we're school prefects," Yuuki nudged her twin.

"... What a good kid... but..." Yagari humoured, "Even if you're a good kid, there's nothing you can do. If you really want to see him, go. He's in the guest room in Headmaster Cross' private quarters."

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