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Yoongi's lips curl into a bright smile as Namjoon continues to pepper his face with kisses. His happy giggles fill the air, and as the remnants of sleep begin to exit his body, Yoongi can't help but feel content with the love and affection that he is receiving.

Truthfully, He felt so loved. Namjoon made him feel so needed and wanted. But, honestly speaking it probably wasn't healthy to feel this way. Yoongi should have known that it was important to love yourself before loving someone else, but he didn't care. He wanted this. He needed this.

"So how was work?" The shorter male eventually asks in a warm tone, as he now sits in an upright position on the bed, moments after Namjoon had pulled away and offered him yet another dimpled grin.

As they converse about the taller male's day at work Namjoon begins to undress himself and gets into a set of pajamas, or in this particular case, a plain t-shirt and a pair of shorts. After getting into the outfit, he makes a comment about feeling famished. Now this was Yoongi's cue to get up and out of bed and prepare his partner's meal.

As he makes his way through the hallway and into the living room, Namjoon following closely behind, Yoongi couldn't help but think about the events from earlier today. He wondered if he should text Hoseok after dinner. Maybe just to inform the younger male that he was all right. That wouldn't make him seem desperate for another conversation with Hoseok now would it? Even though secretly he was.

Once Yoongi arrives in the kitchen he heads straight to the refrigerator and breifly scans its contents before fixing his gaze upon a package of meat that contained a relatively large amount of blood and other unappealing looking bodily fluids. With a slight grimace, he then reaches for the Styrofoam container wrapped in plastic and carefully pulls it out of the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, within the living room, Namjoon sits upon the couch with a patient gaze as Yoongi now searches through the pantry for an empty jar. Truthfully speaking, He had a particularly stressful day at work today, but he didn't want his boyfriend to worry so he remained silent and just stared at the black screen of the television located before him.

Once Yoongi finishes transferring the excess blood that pools at the bottom of the packaging of meat into a jar, he decides to join his partner in the living room. In one hand he carried the Mason Jar full of a bloody concoction and in the opposite, a bowl of instant noodles. Dinner was incredibly simple and basic today in case you couldn't tell.

After handing Namjoon his dinner, and receiving a satisfied "thank you." Yoongi then plops himself down onto the couch right beside his boyfriend. They both eat in a somewhat silent environment, save for the sound of noodles occasionally being slurped and the cup of blood being gulped down. But this was nice, Yoongi couldn't help but feel right at home.

"I see you cleaned the living room." Namjoon eventually comments in a curious tone, before taking the final sip of his dinner. His crimson stained fangs and teeth are flashed briefly. Yoongi simply nods his head with a small hum. Had it really taken that long for him to notice? Or did he just not decide to bring it up until now? Either way, it was still nice whenever someone noticed your hard work.

"Yeah, this place was a total dump and I got tired of seeing it look like that so I decided to do a deep cleaning today."

The honest truth is that Hoseok's beautiful, immaculate looking living room inspired Yoongi to clean his own. And he's glad that he did it in the end because a clean living room almost made him feel at ease with everything. Now if he looked down at his feet, he would see a floor that was no longer littered with scattered pieces of trash and used socks. He felt really good. Proud even.

He spends the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch with Namjoon, his head resting upon the taller male's shoulder as the other individual goes on his phone for most of the time. This was a usual thing for them, so of course once Yoongi fell asleep, Namjoon didn't hesitate to carry his boyfriend into their bedroom, as he usually did.

But as Namjoon pulls the covers over Yoongi's slumbering body, it eventually comes to his attention that Yoongi is talking in his sleep. As he strains his ears for a little bit, the incoherent mumbling eventually turns into phrases that Namjoon can almost barely make out.

One word, or name in this case, manages to really catch his attention. It was a name that he had never heard before. And as the name barely escapes past Yoongi's lips in a low whisper, Namjoon's brows furrow.

Who the hell was Hoseok?

to be continued...

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