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Contrary to Hoseok's anxiety induced beliefs, the remaining time that he spends with Yoongi after they leave the coffee shop goes surprisingly well.

Once Yoongi had returned from the restroom they decided to leave the cafe. Things were starting to get boring, a little too uneventful and Hoseok honestly had absolutely no intention of drinking his pink drink while he was still there inside the Cafe. So Yoongi suggested that they go check out the shopping plaza down the street, to which Hoseok happily agreed to.

The weather outside was surprisingly pleasant, not too sunny, just the right amount of warmth. However, Hoseok didn't necessarily have the urge to bask in it. He would much rather be inside of a cool, air conditioned building than stay outside and get burned by the sweltering sunshine.

Yoongi led the way to the collection of various stores, Hoseok following closely behind with a content smile upon his face, his pink drink in one hand and his phone in the other. He could have stuck the device in his back pocket but he chose not to, just in case he had to capture a moment or two.

Once they arrived, they decided to check out a random clothing store first. It was here where they both learned about each other's contrasting tastes in fashion. Hoseok gravitated more towards bright, very expressive articles of clothing whereas Yoongi was attracted to quite the opposite.

They were both incredibly fashionably inclined nonetheless. There was no doubt about that. So they had at least something in common.

After checking out the clothing store they headed next door, over to a pet shop. Which was sort of a mistake because once you enter a pet store you don't know if you'll be leaving empty handed, that is unless you don't have the necessary funds to purchase something.

Immediately upon entering the building, Hoseok finds himself being drawn towards the puppies. So of course he wastes little time in making his way over to the glass barriers that separated the customers from the fur covered babies.

Yoongi simply trailed behind, a smile soon threatening to break across his face when he observed the younger male swiftly dash over to the glass emitting a loud expression of excitement in the process.

Hoseok couldn't stop himself from tapping on the barrier, eliciting a high pitched bark from the creature.

"You're such a little cutie yes you are~" Hoseok coos from behind the glass. Meanwhile on the other side, the puppy soon begins to excitedly scratch back at the wall. It's incredibly unfortunate that the poor dog will never be able to physically reach Hoseok though.

Yoongi decides to step a little closer. He wanted to get a better look at the animal. But honestly once he did, he didn't really understand the hype. In fact, He sort of thought that it was ugly. Its bulging eyes and disturbingly flat snout were only a couple of the main reasons why he thought so.

"What the fuck is that thing?" Yoongi asks in a slightly disgusted manner, though it's more of a joke than a question. Of course he knows that it's a pug, but he just had to speak his mind and let Hoseok know that in his opinion, the dog wasn't very cute. Its appearance was... questionable, maybe even up for debate.

Actually there was nothing to debate. The breed is ugly. Period.

"It's a pug!" Hoseok immediately responds, a hint of annoyance in his tone. Because how dare Yoongi imply that the puppy is ugly. It is adorable! How could someone look into those bug eyes and say that about this puppy? This beautiful, precious, little puppy.

"I know. But goddamn- that thing is ugly! I don't understand how someone could look at a pug and call it cute. You've gotta be on drugs or something."

"Well, I guess I'm on drugs then." Hoseok jokes. Yoongi immediately chuckles in response. Both males then share a brief moment of giggling together before heading into the next section of the store.

That's right. The kitten section.

- - -

Hoseok and Yoongi end up spending almost two whole hours in the pet store. Between looking at the puppies, kittens, birds, and random pet accessories, they manage to take up over an hour just looking at potential pets.

Hoseok is actually the one who eventually brings up the topic of leaving the shop and just heading back home. Looking at animals really drained a lot of energy out of him. Plus he really wanted to have a sip of his pink drink already, even though it was all warm now, so who knows what that's going to taste like.

A sense of relief washes over Yoongi at the sound of Hoseok's suggestion. Not because he hated looking at the animals, but because he was pretty tired himself.

So they decide to go their separate ways.

They exchange goodbyes in the parking lot of the Cafe, after sharing how much of a great time they had of course.

Both of them had genuinely had a great time. Hoseok wouldn't mind doing this again. Yoongi wouldn't mind doing it again.

On the drive home Hoseok can't stop grinning from the happiness that was currently flooding his body. He wouldn't be surprised if the people driving on opposite sides of him thought he was a weirdo, smiling to himself as he sat behind the wheel on his journey back home.

He's just so goddamn happy, at one point he almost gets the urge to cry. So many emotions surge through his head. Because it had been so long, so fucking long since he had been able to go out with someone, not just someone but a friend! And he had a great time too? Minus the whole crippling anxiety situation. This was the first time in years that he could do something like this.

He wanted to do this again. No, He needed to do this again.

He had to see Yoongi. He had to tell him that this was a real life changing experience.

Something so simple. So basic, had brought him an indescribable amount of joy. And he absolutely had to express that.

The only problem... is that the next time he would see Yoongi again, things wouldn't be the same.

Because one of them would no longer be human.


hey, so uh I'm not continuing this story anymore. sorry. thanks for reading up until now.

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