Chapter one - Agent 1492058

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Marinette waited in undisturbed silence, wondering what immediate danger she would encounter today. She sat in the familiar white room that she had spent countless hours in over the years. This facility, known as GUARD, was the only place she felt genuinely safe and wasn't constantly looking over her shoulder. GUARD stood for Government, Undercover, Agents, Remade, Division, and Marinette was quite familiar with what they did there, after all, she had spent the past three years alongside them.

The fluorescent beat down on her skin as she started to grow impatient. She sat in front of the plain white table, beating her fingers against the pale grain of the wood like a drum. The rhythmic tapping was the only thing that drowned out the deafening silence of the empty room.

The same white chair, same white walls, same white desk, same white door. It was all a routine. They would come in to give her the assignment and she would go to complete her mission. It wasn't anything new. She had been here for three years and she knew the logistics. Being an undercover spy wasn't easy, but it was the only life she knew. It was lonely, a lot of scars, a lot of pain, but it was her life. This was her second chance, and she wasn't going to blow it.

Suddenly the door on the right of the small room crept open and three familiar faces appeared through the doorway.

The first to immerse through the narrow door was the tall redheaded woman called Tikki. She wore her usual pencil skirt and blouse. Her rich crimson hair just brushed her shoulders as she walked into the room. Her eyes were like two big blueberries that gleamed and she had a few faint freckles that spread across her cheeks.

She looks as stubborn and overbearing as ever, Marinette thought. She and Tikki had a rocky relationship to put it simply but things had been going well between them lately, so Marinette decided to behave and be patient, she wasn't going to risk disturbing the newfound peace the two of them shared.

Trailing behind Tikki was Plagg. The tall, green-eyed man was dressed in a dark trench coat whilst carrying a large tan, yellow file that was tucked tightly beneath his arm. Plagg was tall, very tall, and had broad shoulders. Strong and muscular but a true gentle giant.

He did have a frightening sense to him. Marinette knew there was no immediate threat to her safety from the man, but there was potential danger to whomever may cause him trouble. Luckily, Tikki, Nooroo, and Marinette never caused him any trouble, nor did they have a reason to. After all they were his oldest and dearest friends.

Some saw him as frightening and he did have that look to him. He had piercing eyes that seemed to look straight though you and his black pupils appeared to be an endless void. He was bigger than most people but he was fun to be around, Marinette especially enjoyed his company.

Unlike Plagg, Nooroo didn't pose any type of danger. The only way he would be seen as a threat to GUARD is if his tongue slipped and he revealed one of their secrets. Secrets only he, Tikki, and Plagg know. Secrets that need to be kept buried.

Nooroo was skinny and wearing his usual shiny grey strippin suit and purple tie that complimented his cool toned skin. He had hair as silver as polished iron and bright violet eyes that almost looked unnatural. He appeared somewhat like a child standing next to Plagg and Tikki who were both rather tall. Tikki was still a head shorter than Plagg but Nooroo stood far below his shoulders.

Personally, Marinette took a liking to Plagg but saw Nooroo as more of a colleague than a close friend. But he had saved her life a few times in the past so she couldn't complain. He had a youthful face that made him appear to be in his early twenties instead of mid thirties. Unlike Tikki and Plagg who were field agents, Nooroo spent his time inside GUARD walls and did not have the scars that lingered on the skin after a battle.

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