Chapter twenty-two - Code Name: Siren

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Adrien had been tossing and turning in bed all night. An idea squirming in his consciousness like a worm on the end of a fishing line, making it impossible to fall asleep. Finally, he left his dorm and went for one of his midnight walks.

As he passed the bar he thought of how his heart jumped up into his throat when he saw Marinette holding the glass, how at ease he felt as they played cards, and thinking of how he wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep at night, and how Marinette had asked him about his family.

Adrien lit the pine logs and the ambers began to glow, casting colorful strings of light through the bottles on the wall.

Marinette deserved a family of her own. He knew the blue-eyed girl had seen the other Guardians as much more than partners or even friends. He also knew Plagg looked at Marinette as a daughter of sorts. But she deserved to know the people she shared blood with.

Blood... That was it.

Adrien smothered the fire, only streams of smoke flying from the pine logs were left as an indication of his presence. He strode back to his dorm and made a mental note to mention it to Plagg in the morning. Finally, he could sleep fitfully knowing he could help the girl he cared so much for.

The next morning, the tall grizzled giant swung at Adrien's jaw but he quickly evaded. That had always been Plaggs' downfall. He relied on brute strength and his bulky frame made it difficult to move swiftly, Adrien had obviously noticed and was using it to his advantage. Smart kid, Plagg thought, but he can't dodge Tikki and me forever.

The two directors of GUARD were working together to see how the young blonde would react to multiple attackers. He was handling himself quite well so far. He evaded strike after strike and only attacked when his opponent was off-balance and vulnerable. He knew hitting the two while they were standing firm would do nothing but wear himself out. Better to save his strength for opportune attacks.

Eventually, they were all in need of a water break. They sent Adrien to go fetch some along with their lunch waiting in the cafeteria while they rolled up the combat mats and moved on to another training subject.

But before Tikki could start putting away the equipment Plagg started toying with her. Punching her lightly in the shoulder or pushing her gently.

"Come on sugar cube," He said. "When was the last time we had a one on one match?"

"Stop it Plagg."

"Why not? Scared you'll lose?"

"As I recall," She stated. "The last time you and I fought you walked away with a broken nose." Unconsciously, Plagg wrinkled his nose. It was slightly crooked thanks to the redhead, but it only managed to improve his looks somehow.

"Well, this time I'll be sure not to leave my nose vulnerable." With a chuckle, Tikki agreed.

She got three quick jabs in before Plagg picked her up like a ragdoll and dropped her onto the map, pinning her.

"That's not very sportsmanlike." She muttered through clenched teeth.

"Since when has that stopped me?" Tikki managed to get a leg loose and knead him in the side. It wasn't much but it was enough for her to escape his grip and stagger to her feet.

"I yield." She said,

"Giving up that easy? Where is the fun in that?"

"I'm losing a battle to win the war, Plagg. What do you say to a fencing duel?"

"I say no."

"Why not? Scared you'll lose?" She mimicked. He scowled.

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed.

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