chapter nine: mystery is all I need

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I always liked a girl that was a bit mysterious, but not like this.

I was lying on my bed, looking up at the glow in the dark stars I had stuck up on my roof when I was 12. I had bought them in the dollar store with my allowance one Sunday.

I heard the front door slam and I swear I've never moved so fast in my life.

"Frank, I'm home from work" I heard my mom call from the kitchen as I sprinted down the stairs.

"Mom Mom Mom, guess what?!" I yelled, almost knocking her down as I flew into the room.

"Holy crap Frank, don't knock me out" She exclaimed.

"Now what did you want?" She asked looking rather impatient.

"Alyssa is back" I said with a grin


"I know it sounds crazy and stupid considering she moved away without telling anyone but it's true she enrolled today and she was in my music class and she can play piano and her hair is like mine but long-"

"Enough!" My mom cut me off and I stared at her startled.

"Frank I never told you why Alyssa moved away did I?"

"No never. You said you didn't know"

"Yeah well I do. Her dad...her dad wanted her away from you" She blurted out quickly.

I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"He wanted her away from me?"

"Yes. He thought you brought on her depression and he thought you were why she was so afraid of school"

I stared at the floor for what seemed like forever.

"Frankie honey, I think it would be a good idea if you stayed away from Alyssa ya know, gave her some space to settle" My mom put a comforting hand on my shoulder but I just shrugged it off.

"Yeah, whatever. Look I'm sorta tired so I'm just gonna um head upstairs" I mumbled turning out of the room, hiding my tears.

"Oh, okay honey"

I trudged up the stairs, into my room and flopped onto my bed.

I cried myself to sleep that night

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