chapter twenty four: panic

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"Boyfriend?" Anne smirked.

"Yeah" I smiled, looking at my feet.

"I think you could do a lot better. Now come inside, it's chilly out here" She said, turning and heading inside.

I followed her and closed the door before I realised what she had just said.

"Wait, what did you just say?" I asked.

"It's chilly out here?" She seemed unsure.

"No before that"

"Um...oh yeah! I said that you could do a lot better than Frank" She chuckled yet again.

"Yeah that's where you crossed the line" I said taking a step towards her.

"Frank just seems like the rebellious type. The type of boy you should avoid" She said as if it were nothing.

I was silent for a moment, shocked at how she could be so clueless.

"Yeah the 'type of boy I should avoid' saved my life. He was there when no one else was. He was my best friend and I threw it all away when I moved. He is the most amazing guy I know and I can't believe he would ever forgive me for leaving him with no explanation. So while you see him as some hormonal teenage boy who just causes trouble, I see him as the kindest most caring guy and I couldn't ask for anymore. Think before you speak next time" I spat out, turning on my heel and heading for the stairs.

As I started up the stairs I heard her scoff and say "young love is blind"

As I threw myself onto the bed I stared at the ceiling and thought.

I was falling hard, and fast.


*Frank's POV*

"I cannot believe you went against my specific orders" Officer Leto said for the tenth time since we had gotten back to the station.

"I already told you, I wasn't trying to bring Alyssa home, I just wanted to see her" I sighed.

"You couldn't wait 3 hours?" He smirked.

"I waited two weeks already, shut up" I mumbled.


"Frankie!" Officer Leto was interrupted by my mom running into the station and tackling me into a hug.

"Hey ma" I laughed, hugging her back.

Officer Leto cleared his throat.

My mom let go and fixed her hair.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Officer Leto, Jared Leto" He said nicely, holding out his hand for her to shake.

Jared huh? Definitely gonna start calling him that.

"Linda" She smiled, shaking his hand.

"Please have a seat" He said, gesturing to the two chairs in front of his desk.

"As you know, Alyssa's father has been arrested and she is now in temporary foster care. I know we discussed this over the phone but just to be sure, are you positive you want to somewhat 'adopt' Alyssa?" He asked.

"Of course. Alyssa's like the daughter I never had. I know her well so it won't be an issue" She smiled

I really love my mom.

"Okay then, I just need you to sign some papers then we can go and collect her"


Fuck was I bored.

Jared told me to stay in the car because I'd 'cause stress' on the lady who runs the place, what a bunch of pansies.

There's nothing to do in this stupid cop car.

I looked out the window and started thinking, not a good idea.

What if someone from school sees me in this car?

What if they tell people I got arrested?

Nah that wouldn't happen, this foster home is way out from where most people live.

Foster home...Alyssa.

God, I love that girl.

I almost blew it earlier. I know it's early in the relationship but I really do love her and I've known her for the majority of my life so yeah, I love her.

What if she doesn't love me?

What if she doesn't even like me?

Why did she agree to go out with me?

What if she hates me?

What if we break up?

What would I do?

I'd go insane and she'd be happy and life would be shit.

My breathing became rapid.

Shit not a fucking panic attack.

I tried to calm myself down but it only made it worse .

I started getting light headed.

I heard the front door open and people come down the steps.

The darkness started to take over my vision.


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